WifeGeeding got her glass-eye polished yesterday, something that is suppose to happen at least once a year. DaughterGeeding knows about the prosthetic, but hasn’t seen it removed.
A good college friend who I haven’t seen since we actually in college will be flying in to attend his grandfather’s funeral with his wife and kids. He’s making time to hang out with me this Saturday and I’m thankful.
No one is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than Malala Yousafzai.
The Longhorns have lost the last two games to Oklahoma by a combined score of 118-38. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the actual score on Saturday.
I remember when people went bonkers of Notre Dame teaming up with NBC, and they haven’t really lived up to the hype with maybe the exception of last year. It seems like history is repeating itself with UT and ESPN/Longhorn Network.
We are at the halfway point of the college football season and Baylor hasn’t played one away game, but they will play their first this week at a very weak Kansas State team in their first conference game. Looking at their schedule, I’m going to have to wait until November until they make me a believer.
Mack Brown’s last game, it appears, will be against Baylor.
I love how TCU is willing to schedule non-conference teams like LSU to try to prove themselves. Heck, I remember before they were part of the Big XII and scheduled to play Oklahoma and beat them at their place.
Victory Park is about to get a $100 million makeover? I remember when that development was finished and the WSJ was touting the business genius of Ross Perot Jr, and now it’s considered a failure. I will say the economy is partly to blame, but it’s not the brunt of the blame. The ACC doesn’t even seem that old, but it was completed back in July 2001.
USA Today – Enraged by low wages, fuel prices, regulations, the government shutdown, the debt ceiling, President Obama and “the corruption that is destroying America,” the “Truckers Ride for the Constitution” aims to tie up three lanes of Interstate 495 circling the nation’s capital, with big rigs traveling 55 mph.
I wish I could remember. I found it a long time ago and stuck in my folder for pics to use for Bag of Randomness if I couldn't find a good one that day.
What's the story behind the tithers photo? Sheesh… I just had a shame-flashback to the church I grew up in on that one, Keith.
I wish I could remember. I found it a long time ago and stuck in my folder for pics to use for Bag of Randomness if I couldn't find a good one that day.