A Shockingly Small Amount Of Money From Pink NFL Merchandise Sales Goes To Breast Cancer Research

untitljlkjkl[[[ped-1-3According to data obtained from the NFL by Darren Rovell of ESPN, the NFL “takes a 25% royalty from the wholesale price (1/2 retail), donates 90% of royalty to American Cancer Society.”

In other words, for every $100 in pink merchandise sold, $12.50 goes to the NFL. Of that, $11.25 goes to the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the NFL keeps the rest. The remaining money is then divided up by the company that makes the merchandise (37.5%) and the company that sells the merchandise (50.0%)

Then consider that only 71.2% of money the ACS receives goes towards research and cancer programs.

In the end, after everybody has taken their cut, only 8.01% of money spent on pink NFL merchandise is actually going towards cancer research.

Full BusinessInsider.com Article

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4 Responses to A Shockingly Small Amount Of Money From Pink NFL Merchandise Sales Goes To Breast Cancer Research

  1. RPM says:

    I saw another article that showed even lower numbers around 3.25%. http://www.businessinsider.com/why-is-the-nfl-pro

  2. john15nlt says:

    We had a High School Volleyball tournament under the "Pink" for cancer moniker, The VB Booster club raised about 5k of which they sent 750 to the American Cancer Society, I thought it was in poor taste then, this is even in poorer taste but I think everyone is afraid to stand up and say this is not helping, like the walk for …..

  3. Gary says:

    Are the retailer or manufacturer still paying licensing fees? If so, that would make the amount the NFL receives even greater.

  4. Heather says:

    This excellent blog post, “A Shockingly Small Amount Of Money From Pink NFL Merchandise Sales Goes To Breast Cancer Research | BagOfNothing.

    com” reveals the fact that you fully understand precisely what you're communicating about! I really totally agree. Thank you ,Janeen

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