- After Columbine, 9/11, the Aurora movie shooting, and Sandy Hook, I’m sad to say I’m desensitized to mass shootings.
- The shooter from yesterday was from Fort Worth. I thought the following tweet from a reporter was telling of the times we live in: @jasoncherkis Trying to confirm facts, Fort Worth Police Department spokesperson says simply: “follow us on Twitter.”
- My neighbors from Mexico finally moved the RV . . . somewhere.
- I watched Fox’s new ‘Sleep Hollow’. I enjoyed it, but wonder if the premise is better as a movie than a television series. They did violate one of my pet peeves, they referred to the book of Revelation as the book of Revelations. How that stuff can get into a script without someone catching it bugs the living crap out of me. It was also strange seeing Orlando Jones in a non-comedic role.
- I finished the second half of that mini series over all the living White House Chiefs of Staff, thoughts/observations:
- I’m still impressed that despite all of the mudslinging of the Obama campaign at the Bush Administration, Cheney and Rumsfeld took part in a gather of all living former White House Chiefs of Staff to help Rahm Emanuel get his footing before inauguration day.
- George H.W. Bush was informed he lost re-election in a barbers chair while getting a hair cut.
- LBJ was going to announce he was not seeking another term at his last State of the Union, but forgot to put the note cards of the remarks in his suit pocket. Towards the end of the address you can see him actually going through his jacket trying to find them. His Chief of Staff stated that knew men in his family don’t live past 54 and he was 59 when he made that historic speech. He actually died two days after what would have been his second term.
One of Reagan’s Chiefs of Staff hung up on Nancy was soon fired. Another talked to her about the rumors of her seeking astrology and fortune teller guidance and she wondered what was wrong with it, and that Chief of Staff later learned how to incorporate that advice with the president’s schedule, but not in a real firm way, but enough to please her.
Jimmy Carter started his term with no Chief of Staff and his wife sat in on cabinent meetings, although she didn’t participate, but only listened. I think Rudy Giuliani mentioned he wife was going to do that when he was running and got panned.
No one wore a scarf better than Ronald Reagan, it looked exceptionally classy on him.
VP George H.W. Bush delivered a message from Reagan to H.Ross Perot. Bush then pretty much stated that Perot hated the message (and the messenger) and from that point became bitter at Bush. He also thinks that Perot stayed in the 92 race just to spite Bush.
- My Vietnamese mother never did this.
- This line from a Gordon Keith column has stuck with me, “When the thing that gave you life dies, your heart cracks. If the end comes after a long illness, relief pours out of the hole. But eventually relief slows to a trickle and there’s just the brokenness.”
- Yesterday I was the only male in a meeting that lasted way too long, so long I think we’re all now on the same cycle.
- One of them made mention of a reported Peeping Tom in the area and I asked if any DeLoreans happened to be parked on the street. Not one of them picked up on the pop-culture reference.
- ‘The Walking Dead’ is getting a spinoff. So is ‘Breaking Bad’. Well, what about that other AMC show called ‘Mad Men’?
- Something for your Simpsons/Cowboys fans . . . Jimmy Johnson talks about working for Jerry Jones
- A smart spoon sounds silly until you realize that it’s for people with motor disabilities or diseases like as Parkinson’s.
- A mom flips over a controversial church sign – “Sex before marriage has killed a lot of babies.”
- Christian TV prophet claims she can re-grow cheek bones and heal Satanic tumors
- Lubbock amputee walks for the first time at his wedding
- Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling
- ‘Breaking Bad’ . . . ‘Breaking Bad’ producer: ‘I didn’t script the baby saying mama’
Just read they are splitting the last season of Mad Men like they did BB. Not a fan of this trend.