Last week I talked about Irving losing the Cowboys headquarters and stadium, but I forgot to mention that they’ll also be losing the Byron Nelson. Man, that city needs to get its act together.
CBS11 had a segment about the two realtors that made the Cowboys move to Frisco happen. In a span of less than 90 days they put together a concept, spoke with the city and then the Stephen Jones, and later with Jerry, and now the rest is history. That’s impressive. All of that retail and entertainment space was their idea, not Jerry’s.
I caught a little of the the Cowboys/Cardinals game and was surprised how worn the middle of Arizona’s field was. Heck, preseason isn’t even half over and that field looks crappy.
I appreciate that the ‘Breaking Bad’ intro is only like ten seconds.
Hank and Skylar’s cafe scene sure made me think a lot about Pulp Fiction. When they first hugged I saw an RV pass in the window and I couldn’t figure out if that was symbolism or just coincidence.
Lots of purple in yesterday’s episode and you have to really enjoy the pace of this final season.
When Walt started to spew out numbers and I saw the lottery ticket, I thought the show somehow merged with LOST. I wonder if there’s some connection with a bald Walter White digging in a massive hole like a bald John Locke digging that hole in LOST.
I was hoping Skysenberg and Marie were going to get into a hair pulling cat fight, but I wouldn’t mess around with her kids because she will go psycho. And man, that Marie loves to steal . . . it started with what, spoons? Now it’s her sister’s kid.
Where’s Flynn/Walt Jr this season?
Family is a major theme in ‘Breaking Bad’. Walt wouldn’t even consider sending Hank to Belize, so there’s no way I’m thinking that theory that he’ll kill Skylar is true.
I kinda forgot Todd, that boy is cold blooded, and don’t underestimate Lydia, but does she know what she has gotten herself into. And how the heck is she able to get cell phone reception in an underground bus? Her shoes also were a focal point in several scenes, that’s gotta mean something.
According to the “Making of Episode 510” video, the location where Walt buries the money is the same location in the pilot where Walt and Jesse cooked. And if I recall correctly, back in season one Walt passed out in the bathroom and Skylar took care of him.
I thought that was the original cooksite when he pulled off the road.
The cafe scene made me think of Mike and Jesse.
How did Lydia get cell reception? This is Madrigal Electromotive we're talking about! She has access to all their goodies.
Skysenberg… LOL!
I live in Irving. I couldn't agree more. The drama at Irving ISD isn't that great, either.