I’d like to see some sort of online bracket, NCAA basketball style, of most controversial Texas pastors. There are some obvious choices like Robert Jeffress, Joel Osteen, Ed Young, and Kenneth Copeland. I’m a bit nervous to list any more so not to offend anyone.
As a parent of young children, I can’t get the Saginaw story of the young girl found dead inside a tarp on the street, tied up with a plastic grocery bag out over her head.
I made mention that unlike most employers, my employer does open enrollment for benefits mid-year and that we were switching health insurance plans from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield to United Health Care. What I didn’t know, and what I’ve been informed, is that our calender year deductible will carry over from our old provider to our new provider.
I thought most politicians, especially like those that become governors, had some sort of post graduate education; so I was surprised to learn Gov Rick Perry never worked on a post graduate degree. I was also surprised that he only earned two A’s in college (2.1 GPA). They were in “World Military Systems and “Improv. of Learning”. But it’s also important to note there’s much more to a person than a college transcript and life itself is an education.
Perry will make an announcement about his future on Monday. I bet he says he’s not going to run for another term as governor. I bet he won’t say anything about another White House run, but I bet he’s gonna run. And even though I don’t think he’s technically eligible to run (he was born in Canada), I think Sen Ted Cruz will throw his hat in the ring and it will be interesting to see those two go against one another in a debate.
Or if Perry really want to shock us, he’s going to start succession proceeding and will run for President of Texas.
I’m not sure exactly what it is, but I enjoying mowing my own lawn, it just seems American. Even though the weather has been great, I went ahead and raised the mower to try to thicken the grass up and prepare it for the heat.
Google Flights – Select dates and choose a budget and it will display results where you can fly for what price on a map. Once you pick a destination, it will show you the lowest fares for 15 days before and after the selected date when you select the bar graph symbol at the top right.
Vet stays in a parked car on a summer day to see how dangerous it is to leave a pet inside a car – YouTube – I also want to note, don’t leave kids or chocolate in the car.
I think Perry will run again. He has 0% chance at winning the Presidency after that last fiasco of a campaign. His schtick doesn't play well outside of Texas and he's horrible at debating. If he doesn't run, try this theory on for size. Cornyn's days are numbered and Perry takes him out in the primary, then it will be Wendy Davis vs Rick Perry for Senate. That would be some fireworks!
I think Perry will run again. He has 0% chance at winning the Presidency after that last fiasco of a campaign. His schtick doesn't play well outside of Texas and he's horrible at debating. If he doesn't run, try this theory on for size. Cornyn's days are numbered and Perry takes him out in the primary, then it will be Wendy Davis vs Rick Perry for Senate. That would be some fireworks!
I do foresee Wendy Davis running.
I believe George H.W. Bush has a few sons, including the 43rd president of the U.S.
I guess my point was that since W is the elder of HW's sons, he was the last first, First son.
Re: in a hot car – gummy bears – you end up with runny gummy goo.
Great graphic
I don’t think the U.S. has had a First Son in over 20 years since George H. W. Bush. Obama, Bush43, and Clinton all had daughters and no sons.
Of course, considering #42's predilection, there could be a First Woods Colt out there…
The Bronco in the bit where he sells it isn't the same one used in the chase.