Rail Road Bridge Fire and Collapse Over the Colorado River in Lampasas County Texas

When fire broke out on Sunday afternoon on a railroad bridge that spanned the Lower Colorado River between San Saba and Lometa, Texas, local officials had no choice but to let the structure burn to the ground.

The intense heat of the creosote-soaked structure kept volunteer firefighters a good distance away. The fire started about 4:00 PM, and the entire trestle was engulfed within 20 minutes.

Video below, taken by one of the first responders, shows the domino-like collapse of the bridge.

Full SZSU Article

You see the collapse start to happen around the 24-second mark . . .

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5 Responses to Rail Road Bridge Fire and Collapse Over the Colorado River in Lampasas County Texas

  1. Pingback: Long railroad bridge burns along its entire length, falls like dominoes - 22 Words

  2. Susanne says:

    Yipes! And there was an even scarier bridge collapse today – on I-5 in Washington…

  3. Pingback: Flaming Dominoes | Broadsheet.ie

  4. Pingback: Long railroad bridge burns along its entire length, falls like dominoes | Funri

  5. thatguy says:

    jet fuel can melt creosote soaked beams. apparently.

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