We’ve got a pretty sick GirlGeeding in the house which resulted in a trip to the doctor. At one point she was going to get some IV’s but thankfully some of the anti-nausea meds started to kick in as well as a fever reducer. As a parent, your heart really goes out to child when they are hurting, it’s a interesting feeling of pain/hope/helplessness I haven’t experienced before.
Our pediatrician was nice enough to call a little before 10:00 PM just to check up on GirlGeeding.
I’ve never tried inline skate but I have good memories of the four-wheeled skate at the roller rink. I liked that feeling of taking the skates off and still feeling like you were moving. The last time I tried to skate was back in college, and it’s not like riding a bike, and I think that was the first time I realized that falling down as an adult hurts more than when I was a child.
I should sports headlines about the Rangers would start off with TX Rangers or NY Rangers.
Someone on the radio was talking about using the vertical hold on an old television. Man, that brought back some memories.
The first line in this article stood out: A beard-wearing woman was attacked as she crucified Jesus.
A lot of people say “If you don’t mind my asking …” but I’ve always said “If you don’t mind me asking …”
I think those Madame Tussauds and Ripley was figures don’t resemble their subjects very well and don’t look very lifelike.
SI.com has the Shaq jersey retirement ceremony video on their website. That’s the first time I can remember seeing such a thing in its entirety on a website. There have been many Dallas Cowboys Ring of Honor ceremonies and other local team jersey retirements I would have loved to watch in their entirety but they have never been broadcast or uploaded. I hope to see SI continue this trend.
While watching ‘The Americans’ I noticed I had the same Star Wars bed sheets as the boy in the show. Our family also had the same Buick, except it was white with green forest interior. My folks always gave me a hard time about that car. They got it shortly after my birth and said I peed in the back right when they got it.
I was a bit surprised at the death in last night’s show. If I remember correctly, that character, early in the series, questioned if there were KGB agents blended into American society.
I had another friend ask me my thoughts on where Judas Iscariot is spending eternity. He said most would justifiably think the betrayer of Jesus would be in Hell. However, he reasoned that Jesus needed and wanted him to do the betrayal, that Judas was created or chosen to help fulfill prophesy, or put another way, to help God’s plan be fulfilled He went on to say it was hard for him to reason God choosing someone to help him fulfill prophesy only to condemn him to Hell.
When it comes to theological or biblical ‘arguments’ I use to feel I had to pick a side and justify my answer, now I’m just happy seeing both sides of an issue, and for the most part, not choosing.
It seems there are some legislators in North Carolina who have a fundamental misunderstanding of the US Constitution.
"A lot of people say “If you don’t mind my asking …” but I’ve always said “If you don’t mind me asking …”"
Either way, I do mind you asking!
"your" asking
I've always wondered if it mattered that Judas died after Jesus.
“If you don’t mind my asking …” is the grammatically correct version.