I bought WifeGeeding a mountain bike a few weeks ago and yesterday we were finally able to take it for a spin with the warm weather. Actually, it was an all out Geeding bike ride. BoyGeeding rode with his mama and GirlGeeding rode with her daddy, all thanks to our WeeRides. We made a pit stop to feed some ducks and I think that’s a memory that will stick with me for a lifetime.
When I got home I mowed the backyard and then transplanted a medium side bush from one side of the yard to the other. I hear the warm weather isn’t going to last long, but I’m trying to milk it for all it’s worth. Also, working behind a desk all day makes you want to get outside.
If ‘Dallas’ makes it another season I’m certain the newly remodeled First Baptist Dallas will make an appearance. That’s not a slam, but it as well as Clyde Warren Park are new high profile landmarks.
Who pays for medical coverage for college athletes, even if they get something like strep throat? I started to wonder about that after seeing that broken leg sustained by Louisville basketball player Kevin Ware. Even though he may not be a star player on the team he does help bring in a ton of income and recognition to that university. I get the enthusiasm for college athletics but sometimes I question how we as a society can stomach how the NCAA and universities prostitute student athletes. I get that they have scholarships, but not having any income has to be challenging.
The Masters is coming up and it interests me none.
A Spanish farmer discovered an unusual 220 pound iron rock in his field back in 1980 and decided to used it as a ham press to smash meat for the next 30 or so years. He has recently discovered that it’s a meteorite worth about $5 million. On one hand, he’s got to be happy he’s a millionaire, on the other, he’s got to be ticked he could have retired 30 years ago.
Some people put on socks before they put on their pants, other’s do the complete opposite. I’m about a 50/50 guy.
Jesus IS the writing: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1. The entire Bible is His autobiography, completely written by Him through the inspiration of His third manifestation, the Holy Spirit.
Just my own thought, but mankind in their imperfection and limited understanding has always attempted to place manmade importance on spiritual issues that God never intended. We have, since the introduction of sin, applied degrees to sin (murder is worse than stealing and stealing is worse than telling a lie, etc.) But in relation to a perfect, holy God, sin is sin. There is also the argument that the New Testament does away with the Old Testament, but even though we now have a new covenant, we must look at the entirety of God's word to verify Christ's identity and His role as Messiah. And there are those that teach that the "red" letters, direct quotes attributed to Jesus, carry more weight than the rest of scripture, but this carries with it the danger of justifying our desire to pick and choose the parts of God's word we want to follow. It is all God's Word, every jot and tittle.
All of that to say that I have yet to catch God in a mistake of omission or commission. I believe that if God had needed a book of Jesus to complete His love letter to man, it would have been there. My suspision after observing God and experiencing His way in comparison to man's limitations, He knew that if there had been a book of Jesus, we would have eventually ignored the other 66. I just wish that I knew it better and even more important, I pray that God helps me to live it better.
Thank you Keith for your willingness to openly live your spiritual journey before us and allowing us to share it with you. Keep up the good work.
So, maybe I'm missing something here but, to me, this question is incredibly simple to answer just by looking at history.
We all know from scripture that Jesus was a carpenter. He was not born into fortune but rather from the masses. Who is to say that Jesus was educated to be able to read and write? I'd be willing to bet that Joseph and Mary didn't need to read and write. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the disciples were the *only* ones that Jesus EVER met that had that skill. Remember, at that time, the skill of reading and writing was very scarce. There were hardly any books except with the very rich and the church (and, even then, you'd only need one hand to count them). Even when Matthew and Mark (and all others) wrote those first chapters, every single subsequent copy had to be *hand-transcribed* at the monasteries. In addition, we don't really know if those are word-for-word copies because those same monks used to ad-lib and write notes in the margins that sometimes ended up in the text. Remember, the King James Bible didn't even come along until **many** years later.
So, to me, it makes a TON of sense why Jesus didn't write not one book for the bible – He simply just did not have that skill. He was not a bible scholar. He attended church but was not a part of the church. That is very key here from a historical perspective.
Now, His disciples were former church leaders. You could say they did have a little more fortune starting out – perhaps not in money but, in the very least, reading and writing skills. You could also argue that it was a divine miracle that a person from the masses caught the attention of scholars who were willing to abandon generations of teachings and see Jesus for who he was and record it for prosperity. Because, think of this…you are a church leader. A guy comes along and inspires you. You have conviction. Why on earth would you write all of that down WHEN NO ONE CAN READ IT! And, those who can, WON'T. Hmmm….and, yet, they did. Each did a copy. They all wanted to make sure it was preserved. It was a miracle. It continues to be because they wrote a #1 bestseller…THAT HAS LASTED 1,000+ YRS.
As for God's wisdom in all of this, I can't think of a better person to lead the masses than a person from the masses. Sure, you sacrifice the ability to teach through the written word but, then again, WHO would have been doing the learning? Not the masses. Education of the masses didn't come till many years later. The disciples were touched by divinity and, they did come from the church. And, their great honor was to preserve the voice so as to carry it forward for generations many years into the future.
I do remember hearing a lecture on the history of the bible so I did a little digging (that one was a life changer for me and I was only in middle school). Strictly from a historical perspective, it seems the Book of Mark wasn't even written till 60-70 BC. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Mark
But, really, there is a whole deep field of study in all of this and I've only covered the very, very, top (or, rather, highlighted that history on this subject helps understand an answer to that question).
As a side note, I've often wondered what it must be like to be Jewish and wonder about the coming of Christ. It is said that there would be peace throughout the land and there would be no question for anyone that the son of God is among us. I know the Jewish church highly respects Jesus and considers Him to be the greatest teacher of all time. But, I wonder about how that peace would be perceived if it happened today, as they believe? Would we notice? Would we just all think, "Wow…what a great day. I'm going to post on Facebook!" How would Christians react? How would non-believers react? How would it be recorded? Would anyone even think it was a miracle today? Or would there be those that believed it was alien control instead? I wonder how we would accept Jesus if he were to return today to visit our more "enlightened" selves.
Great thinking! I like the theory.
There are some problems though.
Jesus could read (Luke 4:17) and he was a scholar of the Torah He certainly was part of the Synagogue, even from a young age. (Luke 2:41).
His disciples were not church leaders: Just one and I think you're referring to the Jewish "church" of the day. They were commoners, fishermen, tax collectors, etc. It's probable that they dictated to someone who could write.
I think reading and writing got a whole lot more common in Jesus day because of the Greek-Roman influence on the area although- the limiting factor was that it was expensive!
I think it's kind of a side point but there's a lot you can say about the accuracy of the transmission of scripture. The first versions of the gospel were indeed transmitted word of mouth, until they were written either by scribe or directly by the authors. But most books of the New Testament were not transmitted by word of mouth, they were letters, although read aloud, copied and shared.
We think Mark was written in AD 60 which in the scheme of things isn't too far out from Jesus' resurrection and ascension.
The authors of scripture were touched by divinity… they were "carried along by the Holy Spirit" and It's pretty clear the early Christians shared and treasured and copied the letters they had. It is true that sometimes Biblical archaeologists find fragments with notes written in the margin, even cases where a parenthetical statement may have been inserted into the text. However, it's extremely rare and only a few documented cases exist.
Because so many people copied it researchers today have lots of source material, we see some minor variation but none of which change any resulting church doctrine. I wouldn't use the phrase ad-libbed. The King James Bible came about 1500 years later through an effort by scholars of the day to make a modern English translation… the same as was done for the NET Bible and other translations in recent times.
And yes, it's lasted 1000+ years, probably even 2000! 🙂
Right, I think it's a good head scratching kind of question not intended to make any Theological point. In full agreement that the "Word became flesh…" but it is interesting that the incarnate Word didn't put pen to paper- or mineral to leather for that matter. He left that job mostly to his disciples.
I wonder if there is other historical precedent for Jewish rabbis of the day. Maybe it was expected that a rabbi's disciples do the recording of the teaching.
Socks before pants – that way you don't have to brush the cuff of the pants out of the way as you pull up the socks.
My daughter rode bike similar to the Trail-Gator, except that it had no front wheel, just the curved bar connecting to my seat post. We used that for nearly 4 years – it allowed her to assist in pedaling on hills, but at some point she weighed enough to where it was making safe operation of my bike dicey – she's now been riding a 20" bike for over a year and loves it.
We don't know that He didn't put anything in writing either.
Jesus IS the writing: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1. The entire Bible is His autobiography, completely written by Him through the inspiration of His third manifestation, the Holy Spirit.
I get what you are saying, but the point is, why didn't Jesus himself physically write anything that would later be included in the Bible.
Just my own thought, but mankind in their imperfection and limited understanding has always attempted to place manmade importance on spiritual issues that God never intended. We have, since the introduction of sin, applied degrees to sin (murder is worse than stealing and stealing is worse than telling a lie, etc.) But in relation to a perfect, holy God, sin is sin. There is also the argument that the New Testament does away with the Old Testament, but even though we now have a new covenant, we must look at the entirety of God's word to verify Christ's identity and His role as Messiah. And there are those that teach that the "red" letters, direct quotes attributed to Jesus, carry more weight than the rest of scripture, but this carries with it the danger of justifying our desire to pick and choose the parts of God's word we want to follow. It is all God's Word, every jot and tittle.
All of that to say that I have yet to catch God in a mistake of omission or commission. I believe that if God had needed a book of Jesus to complete His love letter to man, it would have been there. My suspision after observing God and experiencing His way in comparison to man's limitations, He knew that if there had been a book of Jesus, we would have eventually ignored the other 66. I just wish that I knew it better and even more important, I pray that God helps me to live it better.
Thank you Keith for your willingness to openly live your spiritual journey before us and allowing us to share it with you. Keep up the good work.
So, maybe I'm missing something here but, to me, this question is incredibly simple to answer just by looking at history.
We all know from scripture that Jesus was a carpenter. He was not born into fortune but rather from the masses. Who is to say that Jesus was educated to be able to read and write? I'd be willing to bet that Joseph and Mary didn't need to read and write. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the disciples were the *only* ones that Jesus EVER met that had that skill. Remember, at that time, the skill of reading and writing was very scarce. There were hardly any books except with the very rich and the church (and, even then, you'd only need one hand to count them). Even when Matthew and Mark (and all others) wrote those first chapters, every single subsequent copy had to be *hand-transcribed* at the monasteries. In addition, we don't really know if those are word-for-word copies because those same monks used to ad-lib and write notes in the margins that sometimes ended up in the text. Remember, the King James Bible didn't even come along until **many** years later.
So, to me, it makes a TON of sense why Jesus didn't write not one book for the bible – He simply just did not have that skill. He was not a bible scholar. He attended church but was not a part of the church. That is very key here from a historical perspective.
Now, His disciples were former church leaders. You could say they did have a little more fortune starting out – perhaps not in money but, in the very least, reading and writing skills. You could also argue that it was a divine miracle that a person from the masses caught the attention of scholars who were willing to abandon generations of teachings and see Jesus for who he was and record it for prosperity. Because, think of this…you are a church leader. A guy comes along and inspires you. You have conviction. Why on earth would you write all of that down WHEN NO ONE CAN READ IT! And, those who can, WON'T. Hmmm….and, yet, they did. Each did a copy. They all wanted to make sure it was preserved. It was a miracle. It continues to be because they wrote a #1 bestseller…THAT HAS LASTED 1,000+ YRS.
As for God's wisdom in all of this, I can't think of a better person to lead the masses than a person from the masses. Sure, you sacrifice the ability to teach through the written word but, then again, WHO would have been doing the learning? Not the masses. Education of the masses didn't come till many years later. The disciples were touched by divinity and, they did come from the church. And, their great honor was to preserve the voice so as to carry it forward for generations many years into the future.
I do remember hearing a lecture on the history of the bible so I did a little digging (that one was a life changer for me and I was only in middle school). Strictly from a historical perspective, it seems the Book of Mark wasn't even written till 60-70 BC. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Mark
But, really, there is a whole deep field of study in all of this and I've only covered the very, very, top (or, rather, highlighted that history on this subject helps understand an answer to that question).
As a side note, I've often wondered what it must be like to be Jewish and wonder about the coming of Christ. It is said that there would be peace throughout the land and there would be no question for anyone that the son of God is among us. I know the Jewish church highly respects Jesus and considers Him to be the greatest teacher of all time. But, I wonder about how that peace would be perceived if it happened today, as they believe? Would we notice? Would we just all think, "Wow…what a great day. I'm going to post on Facebook!" How would Christians react? How would non-believers react? How would it be recorded? Would anyone even think it was a miracle today? Or would there be those that believed it was alien control instead? I wonder how we would accept Jesus if he were to return today to visit our more "enlightened" selves.
Geeding – you need more Jewish Rabbi connections.
Great thinking! I like the theory.
There are some problems though.
Jesus could read (Luke 4:17) and he was a scholar of the Torah He certainly was part of the Synagogue, even from a young age. (Luke 2:41).
His disciples were not church leaders: Just one and I think you're referring to the Jewish "church" of the day. They were commoners, fishermen, tax collectors, etc. It's probable that they dictated to someone who could write.
I think reading and writing got a whole lot more common in Jesus day because of the Greek-Roman influence on the area although- the limiting factor was that it was expensive!
I think it's kind of a side point but there's a lot you can say about the accuracy of the transmission of scripture. The first versions of the gospel were indeed transmitted word of mouth, until they were written either by scribe or directly by the authors. But most books of the New Testament were not transmitted by word of mouth, they were letters, although read aloud, copied and shared.
We think Mark was written in AD 60 which in the scheme of things isn't too far out from Jesus' resurrection and ascension.
The authors of scripture were touched by divinity… they were "carried along by the Holy Spirit" and It's pretty clear the early Christians shared and treasured and copied the letters they had. It is true that sometimes Biblical archaeologists find fragments with notes written in the margin, even cases where a parenthetical statement may have been inserted into the text. However, it's extremely rare and only a few documented cases exist.
Because so many people copied it researchers today have lots of source material, we see some minor variation but none of which change any resulting church doctrine. I wouldn't use the phrase ad-libbed. The King James Bible came about 1500 years later through an effort by scholars of the day to make a modern English translation… the same as was done for the NET Bible and other translations in recent times.
And yes, it's lasted 1000+ years, probably even 2000! 🙂
Right, I think it's a good head scratching kind of question not intended to make any Theological point. In full agreement that the "Word became flesh…" but it is interesting that the incarnate Word didn't put pen to paper- or mineral to leather for that matter. He left that job mostly to his disciples.
I wonder if there is other historical precedent for Jewish rabbis of the day. Maybe it was expected that a rabbi's disciples do the recording of the teaching.
Hi Keith,
Love biking with the kids just a recommendation as they will quickly grow out of the Wee-Rider – we went from the trailer like <a href="http:// (http://www.amazon.com/InStep-Take-Double-Bicycle-Trailer/dp/B002QAVQ14/ref=sr_1_2?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1364928708&sr=1-2&keywords=bike+trailer)" rel="nofollow"> <a href="http://(http://www.amazon.com/InStep-Take-Double-Bicycle-Trailer/dp/B002QAVQ14/ref=sr_1_2?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1364928708&sr=1-2&keywords=bike+trailer)” target=”_blank”>(http://www.amazon.com/InStep-Take-Double-Bicycle-Trailer/dp/B002QAVQ14/ref=sr_1_2?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1364928708&sr=1-2&keywords=bike+trailer)
To the Trail-Gator <a href="http:// (http://www.amazon.com/Trail-Gator-Trailgator-Bicycle-Tow-Black/dp/B0011HZKI8" rel="nofollow"> <a href="http://(http://www.amazon.com/Trail-Gator-Trailgator-Bicycle-Tow-Black/dp/B0011HZKI8” target=”_blank”>(http://www.amazon.com/Trail-Gator-Trailgator-Bicycle-Tow-Black/dp/B0011HZKI8 ) – and this was Great because they as they learned and grew tired after a short ride we would just hook them up half way through the ride. So Mom/Dad could get a good healthy ride in with the kids as they learn.
Socks before pants – that way you don't have to brush the cuff of the pants out of the way as you pull up the socks.
My daughter rode bike similar to the Trail-Gator, except that it had no front wheel, just the curved bar connecting to my seat post. We used that for nearly 4 years – it allowed her to assist in pedaling on hills, but at some point she weighed enough to where it was making safe operation of my bike dicey – she's now been riding a 20" bike for over a year and loves it.
What does 50/50 guy mean? One sock, one pant leg, other sock, other pant leg?
Brings to mind this Archie Buncher moment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFuniFSP2fo