First off, that picture above doesn’t mean we are expecting or anything, I just thought it was funny, and it somewhat relates to the sixth bullet point today.
I dropped the family SUV off for repairs yesterday and our rental is a new VW Beetle with less than 3,000 miles. It’s nice driving a car for a change, and it’s actually a fun little ride, other than the bad blind spot in the back. When WifeGeeding saw it she reacted like a contestant on the “Price is Right” when they are asked to “Come on down!”
The car has one of those QR code stickers placed on the rear window in case I want to find out about the features on the car. That’s kinda neat, and smart on their part. I think the key chain even has a QR code.
Our vehicle is actually getting repaired at Service King, and they keep sending me email updates on the progress of repairs.
I’m still ticked that Google Reader is going away and I’ve spent a good amount of time looking for an alternative.
Fox News is about to get some conservative competition. This part of the article stood out and made me think what Robin Leach might be up to: The new network is a production of Herring Broadcasting, the San Diego-based company behind Wealth TV, a channel dedicated to appealing to and documenting the lifestyles of the rich and famous.
Keep us posted on what you pursue as a Google Reader replacement. I am researching this myself and am hoping to get as much "wisdom" as possible from "internet gods" such as yourself.
KG – that's a good article about the Marine and his CHL. No shots fired, woman's life possibly saved. Guy notified and showed his credentials to the police. I can understand the cops being cautious, and the spokesman was correct that the guy acted responsibly and assumed the consequences of his actions.
The good CHL instructors I've met are very thorough in advising students that actually firing your handgun is a last-ditch measure, to be used when planning and conflict resolution attempts fail. Looks like this guy did it just the way he should.
Chris Christie continues to impress me with statements like "I work for the people, not the party". Unfortunately, I think in the end Republicans like CPAC will bury him because of his greatest asset, working across the isle for a compromise. They don't want compromise, they want capitulation. You watch when he's up for reelection, they will go after him like a pack of jackals and try to unseat him in the primary.
Keep us posted on what you pursue as a Google Reader replacement. I am researching this myself and am hoping to get as much "wisdom" as possible from "internet gods" such as yourself.
KG – that's a good article about the Marine and his CHL. No shots fired, woman's life possibly saved. Guy notified and showed his credentials to the police. I can understand the cops being cautious, and the spokesman was correct that the guy acted responsibly and assumed the consequences of his actions.
The good CHL instructors I've met are very thorough in advising students that actually firing your handgun is a last-ditch measure, to be used when planning and conflict resolution attempts fail. Looks like this guy did it just the way he should.
Chris Christie continues to impress me with statements like "I work for the people, not the party". Unfortunately, I think in the end Republicans like CPAC will bury him because of his greatest asset, working across the isle for a compromise. They don't want compromise, they want capitulation. You watch when he's up for reelection, they will go after him like a pack of jackals and try to unseat him in the primary.
Couldn't help chuckling at the name of the Dutch prostitutes – shouldn't at least one have been named Lotsa?