4 Responses to Armless Table Tennis Player

  1. David Bryant says:

    Not sure if I am the only one having trouble, but I have not been able to see the links on a number of your recent posts. In addition to this one, I could not see links on http://www.bagofnothing.com/2012/12/giraffe-fighthttp://www.bagofnothing.com/2012/12/did-you-know-… or http://www.bagofnothing.com/2012/12/whos-on-first…. I have tried my iPad as well as Firefox and IE on my desktop with no luck. Is this user error on my part or has the congestion gotten to you?

  2. Geeding says:

    It's not you, it's me. I don't know what happened, but I'm sorry for the inconvenience. The good news is I went back and updated those posts with the correct videos as well as a few other posts that didn't display correctly. You should be good to go.

  3. David Bryant says:

    No apologies necessary. The day you start charging for content is the first day you start owing apologies when something like this happens.

  4. Maggie says:

    I'm so glad they are fixed, I thought it was me….but I did try (and have tried) to comment and when I click on "comment" it doesn't do anything but turn the "comment" link into "hide comments". This was the only way I could comment about the broken links; by clicking on the right side bar of recent comments. Weird.

    Also, I haven't seen if anyone has suggested a few chiropractic adjustments to see if it will help release the fluid in your ear. I know that when my ears are stopped up or even aching I can get an adjustment and sometimes they feel better almost immediately, some times within a day or so. I was so skeptical of chiro adjustments until I started seeing a holistic minded chiro during my second pregnancy and it helped me so much. I'm not "addicted" to going like I thought I would be and he never tried to put me on some sort of plan or unrealistic schedule. I have since started taking my kids whenever they start to get sick and it typically helps their bodies heal without antibiotics within days. Just a suggestion, take it or leave it. Hope you find answers and quick healing very soon.

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