With the steering wheel in one hand, and a video camera in the other, dad Zachary Russell kept driving as his wife Jennifer gave birth. The couple was racing down Highway 287 in Texas towards a birthing center when Jennifer went into labor. “By the time my water broke, I pushed once and she was out,” the second-time mom told kiiitv .
Jennifer was shocked by how quickly she delivered because, with her first child, she labored for 12 hours. This time, despite the circumstances, Zachary was determined to catch the whole thing on camera. He held his right band behind the passenger side seat, made sure the birth was in frame and managed to keep both eyes on the road. When baby Willow arrived, he even captured Jennifer on film unwrapping the umbilical chord.
The couple told kiitv that the Ford compact they were in will have to be Willow’s first car so she can tell people, “Okay, I was born right there!”
Here’s the full article about it, but click here to watch the YouTube video.
We’re due in about two weeks. Hmmmm, this could be potential blog material.