Cute picture, huh? Well, for you local folks that want to help this couple with a garage sale to raise funds for an adoption.
The Rangers may have won the series against the Rays three games to one, but the Rays scored more runs overall 16-21. I guess that’s kinda like the electoral college.
Yesterday in a conversation someone used the word “ding-dong” which reminded me of the time when I was a sophomore in high school in a physical science class. During class discussion I was doing a bit of name calling towards some girls being a bit of class clown because of something they said in regards to a wrong answer, and I meant to use the word “ding-dong,” but instead said “dildo,” numerous times. Later in class, and much to her credit, the teacher without bringing any attention to me asked to speak to me in the hall and informed me of the true meaning of a “dildo.”
In case you were wondering, I didn’t date much in high school. I think I may have found a reason why.
I use to think that when it came to the English language, that us folks in the U.S. didn’t have an accent but where the ‘standard’ of the language. I guess that’s because I would hear people referring to a British or Australian accent, and when a person from either area sings, they sing without an accent. So we either speak ‘normal’ English or when people sing, they sing with an ‘American’ accent.
Ever since watching a game at Fenway Park and being a part of a crowd singing Sweet Caroline, I’ve really enjoyed seeing what other stadiums do to get their crowd to be part of the experience, something I wished the Cowboys would do and something I think the Rangers do decently. Michigan has a bit using 7 Nation Army, and now Wisconsin has a good crowd sing-a-long with Fill Me Up Buttercup. You guys know of any other good ones out there?
I once lived in a world where Chick-fil-A could only be found inside a mall.
I almost think that Apple pays ABC News to do nothing but positive reporting about them.
Madonna will perform at the upcoming Super Bowl half time show. I think that news has been surprisingly low key. has a list of the world’s top ten toilets. At the top of the list is a public toilet in Bryant Park, New York. But I was quite fascinated at the urinal at the Madonna Inn in California that is a waterfall toilet the comes to use when it’s used.
One of Bono’s baby’s, the ONE Campaign, has a new video about famine that features a lot of celebrities from both liberal and conservative backgrounds. The video takes a play on words ‘f–k’ and ‘famine’ using the black box to cover up the speakers mouth and a beeping them out. The surprising celebrity to drop the f-bomb (assumingly) is Mike Huckabee.
The Republican controlled House is increasing spending to pay the lawyer that is defending the Defense of Marriage Act.
Fox executives want the voice actors on The Simpsons to take a 45% pay cut, and since that will probably not not happen, it looks like the show will end soon.
An interesting read about a pastor’s consultation with two different individuals at different times about things we fight over in the church. Lets just say I could really relate with one of the individuals.
Here’s a video of a surfer in San Diego that is surfing through algae that glows when it’s disturbed.
I like how electronic voting machines streamline the process, but I don’t like the fact they continue to be easily hacked. You can now hack one via remote control using about $10 in parts and an 8th grade science education.
Here’s an interesting story on how two Nobel Prize medals were dissolved in a chemical solution as the Nazis invaded Copenhagen.
Wisconsin also plays "Jump Around" in between the third and fourth quarter. The whole stadium jumps up and down – I'm told its actually pretty terrifying.
I always get a kick out of it when my alma mater's band, Oklahoma State, plays "Never been to spain" by Three Dog Night. Only the tubas play it, and it sounds really cool.
They play it because one of the lyrics is "I've never been to heaven, but I've been to Oklahoma…"
Isn't it appalling for Pastorman to call himself "the church." Didn't Jesus sum up "church" best when he said it was where 2 or 3 were gathered and His Spirit was there also? Or did he say His Spirit was where one hierarchical titled-one in institutional religion played "church." You want to know a big reason "the church" is going the way of the dinosaur: CEO's playing pastor and thinking they're "the church."
Regarding the pastor's consultation article. I enjoyed reading and I really appreciated one point he said they discussed…when does one sin become more horrible than another. I love religion but have a problem with church. It's so hard for me to sit next to someone in a pew that is so willing to judge others. Heck, I feel judged myself because of our absence. So, my question is … if I want to show my children to always love before judging (which is how I always felt Jesus taught us to do), how can I do that in the church? Or, does the guidance the pastor referred to in the last lines mean that the church's larger responsibility is to first judge then love?
Wisconsin also plays "Jump Around" in between the third and fourth quarter. The whole stadium jumps up and down – I'm told its actually pretty terrifying.
I always get a kick out of it when my alma mater's band, Oklahoma State, plays "Never been to spain" by Three Dog Night. Only the tubas play it, and it sounds really cool.
They play it because one of the lyrics is "I've never been to heaven, but I've been to Oklahoma…"
Isn't it appalling for Pastorman to call himself "the church." Didn't Jesus sum up "church" best when he said it was where 2 or 3 were gathered and His Spirit was there also? Or did he say His Spirit was where one hierarchical titled-one in institutional religion played "church." You want to know a big reason "the church" is going the way of the dinosaur: CEO's playing pastor and thinking they're "the church."
Regarding the pastor's consultation article. I enjoyed reading and I really appreciated one point he said they discussed…when does one sin become more horrible than another. I love religion but have a problem with church. It's so hard for me to sit next to someone in a pew that is so willing to judge others. Heck, I feel judged myself because of our absence. So, my question is … if I want to show my children to always love before judging (which is how I always felt Jesus taught us to do), how can I do that in the church? Or, does the guidance the pastor referred to in the last lines mean that the church's larger responsibility is to first judge then love?
tomahawk chop for the braves