Bag of Randomness

  • Yup, the Geeding family has major news, and in case you missed it, just go back to yesterday’s Bag of Randomness and read ToddlerGeeding’s shirt.
  • I noticed the dashboard on my car now has two cracks in it.  I’m telling ya, it’s so tempting to go out and buy another car, but there are wants, and there are needs.
  • I renewed the vehicle registration for WifeGeeding’s SUV online the other day and noticed something on that wasn’t there the last time I visited – there’s now a picture of Gov Good Hair on the website.  I would expect to see maybe some sort of portrait type of picture, but this picture has him in some sort of sitting pose with his leg crossed and his hand (complete with Aggie ring) on top.  At least the hair is prominently displayed.
  • I’ve never learned how to iron, but I can get by and make myself look presentable.  So in the spirit of learning, I decided to research the subject on YouTube and found a very informative channel : HotGirlsHow To’s.  I’ve never wanted to learn so much in my life, and there’s plenty to learn about.  So if you need to learn how to iron a shirtiron pants, parallel park, or something simple like how to make a copy on the copier, check ’em out.
  • I wonder if Ace and Gary are the names of the SMU Pony Boys.
  • I’m a little tired of all this college football realignment talk, which is another reason why I prefer the NFL.
  • Local soccer man Bobby Rhine died of a heart attack at the age of 35 while vacation with his family in Florida.  When a healthy and fit man dies at such a young age, it scares the crap out of me.
  • The NFL season is right around the corner and here are the changes to all the broadcast teams.
  • Do you prefer movies over books because the movies help set the mood with music?  Well, you can now listen to a soundtrack while reading a book:  Booktrack: Soundtracks for Books
  • Here’s a collection of old websites the current Republican field once had.  For instance, Gov Good Hair’s site for Lt Governor; you know, it’s a surprise he won that race considering he covered his hair with a hat on that website.
  • That’s one way to get even: Boy Throwing Rocks At Cars Shot By Crossbow By Driver
  • If you know some new parents and wish to send them a monthly care package of the latest and greatest, check out Citrus Lane.
  • The oldest college football player this season is a 61-year-old Vietnam veteran.
  • The Best Ketchup: Our Surprising Taste Test Results
  • If you are looking for a job in England, you can apply to be a butler for the monarchy.
  • A new U2 documentary will air on Showtime at the end of October.  Now all I need is Showtime.
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3 Responses to Bag of Randomness

  1. Wendell says:

    Congrats my friend. Praying for your family and this exciting new event!

  2. Mtoots says:

    That is a really great family photo…..but YOU should be in there as well!

  3. AndreaJN says:

    OMG – Congratulations!!!

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