My passenger side window wouldn’t roll up and I tried to fix it myself with the help of The Google and YouTube. You will be surprised at the information you can find. However, after three hours, I just couldn’t fix it. Surprisingly, it only cost $100 to have it repaired. If I knew that going into it, I would have simply payed to have it done and spent more time with my wife and daughter.
Part of me just wanted to give in and get a new car, I’ve been researching the Nissan Leaf as of late. The idea of not having to buy gas and tax incentives of $7500 was tempting.
Oddly enough, in the office of the repair shop, hung an autographed Bobby Carpenter jersey. Here’s the proof. Speaking of Carpenter, I just found out that he, Romo, Aikman, Witten, and Sean Payton were all playing beach football on July 4.
I think nicknames are really cool. I never really had a nick name.
I wonder how much revenue the city of Canton missed out on with the Hall of Fame game cancelled.
Marshall Fault work a Nike pendent on his gold Hall of Fame jacket, that just seemed a bit weird.
I was very touched with Shannon Sharpe’s speech, and admittingly jealous of the love and affection and the relationship he has with brother. It was very cool to see two brothers show so much love and emotion on a public stage for one another, and I bet as children they never thought they would have that kind of bond.
From a Cowboys fan perspective, it was interesting to hear Shannon Sharpe thank Wade Phillips during his speech, and Richard Dent mentioning Ed ‘Too Tall’ Jones.
Deion Sanders wore athletic shoes and what appeared to be a suit with his Hall of Fame jacket which had an Under Armor pendant, which looked just as weird as Marshall Faulk’s. Personally, I think it cheapens the honor of the jacket. The Pro Football Hall of Fame induction ceremony isn’t a NASCAR event, fellas. Yeah, I know Under Armor helped with his charity, but I’m still not on board with it.
Is Deion the first to ever mention rappers in an induction speech?
His bronze bust looked nothing like him.
Listening to Deion speak about how as an immature kid that he was embarrassed by his mother because she was a janitor was touching. You can tell he realized now as an adult that was silly because all his mother was trying to do was provide a hope and a future for him.
Maybe the most touching part of the Pro Football Hall of Fame induction ceremony was that of 94-year-old Ed Sabol, who was presented by his cancer stricken son Steve. What an honor it must of been for Steve to present his father, it almost appeared he had tears in his eyes in his prerecorded speech. And how cool was it that as part of the induction, Ed created one more piece for NFL Films. The only complaint I guess I have is that I’m surprised Ed didn’t make any mention of his son during his speech.
Gov Good Hair sure does like to wear his faith on his sleeve. I understand the need to evangelize, but when politicians do such acts I’m reminded of Matthew 6:5-6 and a quote that is usually associated with St. Francis of Assisi, “Preach the gospel at all times, when necessary, use words.”
The drop in our credit rating is a huge embarrassment for Obama. Yes, you can say that Congress and the GOP and the Tea Party were players in this, that W’s administration was a contributing factor, that Standard and Poor credibility isn’t what it use to be because they totally screwed up ratings with mortgage backed security . . . but it happened on his watch.
It’s a good thing, and it was by design, that S&P made the downgrade statement after the market closed and during the weekend to prevent any over reaction.
American is usually at its best when backed against the wall. See WWII and the space race among other things. I’m not counting us out. (Que Team America song that I can’t post due to strong language issues.)
In case you wanted to know what countries still have a AAA rating, here you go.
I finally pulled the trigger on a new cell phone. I’ve been loyal to my Palm Pre for a long time, and actually love the operating system and the physical layout of the device, but today’s world when it comes to apps means you pretty much have to choose between an iOS or an Android. I’m not a fan of AT&T and Verizon due to some poor customer relationship issues from years past, and I’m just not cool enough to be an iPhone owner, so I’m left with choosing an Android device, and I went with the Motorola Photon. One of my biggest concerns was not having a physical keyboard, but I’m really surprised as how fast I’m picking up on the virtual keyboard. Android isn’t the most intuitive operating system, definitely not as much as the HP (Palm) WebOS, but it’s all coming together. I’m just really shocked at how fast webpages, videos, maps, and other data downloads – and I haven’t even tried using 4G as of yet. I also feared a short battery life, but so far it has far exceeded my expectations.
As a new Android user, I’d love to hear from you fellow users and your suggestions for most needed apps.
If you are a Muslim and live in the world tallest tower, at least past the 80th floor, you will have to wait two additional minutes to break dawn-to-dusk fast.
A sperm whale lies dead on a beach. A group of scientist decides to dissect the animal. A female scientist decides to display and speak about the whale’s penis, and some unintentional yet educational comedy takes place. YouTube
I can't believe Bachman is happy with that Newsweek cover. It seems to personify one of the biggest negatives concerning her candidacy: that she's not ready. But, still, she did make the cover with an extended story explaining her platform.
Canada and Australia have AAA ratings now but in the past they were both downgraded to AAs and then later pulled themselves back up to a triple-A.
I was watching CNN on Sunday and they were interviewing the head of S&P. The interviewer asked him if he felt like he was "the most hated man in America". The guy seemed to be shook and was very defensive. GOP consultant Alex Castellanos ragged big time about Gov Perry on Meet the Press.
I had a brain freeze spelling a particular word for this comment post, so I spelled it two different ways and hit your spell check button to see which way was correct. The spell check button said there were no spelling errors??
I just heard on the news, a few seconds ago, that Android is being targeted by hackers and they advise to be careful about which app to download.
I can't believe Bachman is happy with that Newsweek cover. It seems to personify one of the biggest negatives concerning her candidacy: that she's not ready. But, still, she did make the cover with an extended story explaining her platform.
Canada and Australia have AAA ratings now but in the past they were both downgraded to AAs and then later pulled themselves back up to a triple-A.
I was watching CNN on Sunday and they were interviewing the head of S&P. The interviewer asked him if he felt like he was "the most hated man in America". The guy seemed to be shook and was very defensive. GOP consultant Alex Castellanos ragged big time about Gov Perry on Meet the Press.
I had a brain freeze spelling a particular word for this comment post, so I spelled it two different ways and hit your spell check button to see which way was correct. The spell check button said there were no spelling errors??
Stop. Is that image at the of this post for real? Is that actually in a book somewhere?