With all the crap that goes on on Capitol Hill, it sure was nice to see Rep Giffords make an appearance.
A friend of ours, probably in her late 30’s or early 40’s, just had her tonsils removed. During the procedure, there was a minor mistake which resulted in her no longer being able to taste anything except salty or bitter foods. It would be a weird life no longer being able to taste sweets, wouldn’t it? Could that be an alternative to the lap-band surgery?
I recently learned how area codes were assigned . . . the larger the population, the lower the number. For instance, NYC is mainly 212 and Dallas is mainly 214, which made it easy to dial on a rotary telephone.
While driving thru Waco listening to Tina Fey’s Bossypants audio book, she referenced Waco when she was touring with Second City.
Yup, that was timely, probably just as much as this one. And you thought it was just a recent topic.
I remember speaking to WifeGeeding’s aunt and she questioned that I knew what the three branches of government were in the second grade. I remember telling her of course I did, thanks to the School House Rock.
As your body grows bigger Your mind grows flowered It’s great to learn Cause knowledge is power!
The Democrats, especially Obama, can’t negotiate for anything. I wish they were all car salesmen.
My hometown had a murder suicide by two teenagers. Crazy.
Randy Moss retired yesterday, and who knows if he stays retired, but can you imagine what life for a Cowboys fan would have been like if Jerry would have drafted him and Aikman was throwing to him?
Over the weekend VH1 has been showing a lot of classic MTV. It was fun watching some old episodes of Remote Control, and seeing some of their classic commercials.
I don’t think Walter Payton ever thought about doing a Just For Men commercial.
Lake Nacogdoches’s lake level has dropped significantly with the Texas drought, so much so, it looks like a four foot round metal object from the space shuttle Columbia disaster has surfaced.
Enjoyed hearing "Schoolhouse Rocks" again. I learned more about many things from listening to those songs w/ my children than I did attending high school w/ my peers!
Enjoyed hearing "Schoolhouse Rocks" again. I learned more about many things from listening to those songs w/ my children than I did attending high school w/ my peers!
I will never forget the Preamble to the Constitution. Not because of law school but because of Schoolhouse Rock.
I can imagine his mother saying, "No, you cannot keep that giraffe… now, you put that thing right back where you found it!