Last Friday, loyal Panther-turned-Lion fans said a (most likely) final goodbye to Coach, Tami, Riggins, Gracie “Alien” Bell, and the rest of the beloved Friday Night Lights crew. With one last huddle and a “Clear Eyes, Full Hearts,” Coach Taylor left our televisions for good. But as we East Dillon fans have learned, Texas is Forever, and so are many lessons Coach has taught us through the years. To make sure his message lives on, Vulture prepared the Ultimate Coach Taylor Pep Talk, a greatest-hits collection of his wisdom and encouragement to inspire you in the locker room of life. Watch this whenever you need to get pumped for a game, overcome a personal loss, prove the naysayers wrong, or remember what it is to have character. No matter where he is, Coach will always believe in you. You can’t lose.
The Ultimate Coach Taylor Pep Talk
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