Yesterday after the evening news I hit a wall (no Jimi, not literally). All my favorite shows are in rerun status, and the Mavs have no more games left to play. There’s no “next game to prepare for” anymore. I’m sad. Yeah, there’s the Rangers, but the intensity isn’t there.
Cuban says he wants to do something other than rings. I have a feeling a bunch of very large men over six feet tall and 200lbs are going to change his mind.
If you think about it, the Fab Five and the Miami Heat have a lot in common . . . awesome talent, arrogance, Juan Howard.
It looks like Dallas was able to celebrate a championship without overturning cars, looting, or setting things on fire. We’re acting like we’ve been there before. But I bet if the Cowboys ever win a Super Bowl, you’ll see some ‘negative’ celebrating.
Bill Simmons is starting to grow on me again. Maybe it’s because he’s writing about the NBA Finals and my hometeam is playing in it, or maybe because he’s writing for a new website somewhat loosely tied to ESPN called
Dirk’s home got decorated while he was away winning a championship in Miami. I like how someone left him a six pack of Shiner.
Did I go out and buy a bunch of championship gear yesterday? Nope. I guess that’s a sign of aging. But I did buy a newspaper to keep and add to my Dallas championship collection.
An interesting post about how members of the local media got the Mavs all wrong and should be eating humble pie. And who could blame them when the Mavs lost to the Lakes two weeks before the playoffs 110-82.
The world’s first womb transplant is planned with a mother giving her womb to her daughter. That’s right, the womb in which the daughter was carried will soon be inside her so she can possibly give birth to a child.
I know why.
Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly….. Hugs Keith…..
And, so do I! Hug MAG and thank God for dear friends!
Did it hurt when you hit the wall?
I'm glad I clicked the Why link on the teddy bear before showing my kids. !!