- LeBron was back in Cleveland and missed the pre-game introductions because he was in the bathroom? I’m not buying that.
- Is this more significant than the Dead Sea Scrolls?
- No Mad Men until 2012!?!?!?!? GRRRRRRR!!!!!!
- But in reading the article, I totally support the creator for not caving in to those creative killing demands.
- The Dallas Morning News has an interesting new symptom checker.
- New Company Promises to Give You a Pretend Facebook Girlfriend
- First unretouched make up ad
- Frequency of curse words in London and the East Coast
- This 360º Panorama is the largest indoor Photo in the world as of March 2011.
- Soccer fans carry their dead friend to game
- Doesn’t make sense
- I chew on my pens a lot, so this should come in handy.
- Plumber lines property border with toilets after school changes
- BP worker loses laptop holding data for 13K Gulf oil spill claimants
- An iPhone case that will hold three credit cards
"Is this more significant than the Dead Sea Scrolls? "
I had to read this story twice. If these books are the real thing, they are certainly more important than the Dead Sea Scrolls. I can't remember anything startling coming out of deciphering the Scrolls. On the other hand, there are few if any first-hand accounts about what the original Jerusalem Church was doing after Christ's death. The first Gospel is 60 years after his death. And they were written in Greek. These are written in Hebrew. The information contained could be earth shaking. One of the problems I foresee is that they are written in code. If the contents are controversial, there will arguments about the interpretation of the code…the Da Vinci Code?
Also, now that the Israeli's have them, who knows when they will see the light of day or if they will let Christian scholars examine them. I hope they are authentic and I hope I live long enough to learn what they reveal.
It's disappointing to learn that people in London use far more curse words than Americans. Unfortunately, unless I missed it in the story, I didn't see how the statistics were gathered. Think about it, a Londoner curses worse than Tony Soprano?