Bag of Randomness

  • That’s clue #2 on DogGeedingII’s name.
  • I think my boss is trying to get me to entertain the idea of moving to Austin.
  • I’m not sure I’ve seen one Elizabeth Taylor movie, but I have seen plenty of her perfume commercials.  I think her claim to fame is being the voice of Maggie Simpson when she said her first word.
  • In case you are wondering, that first word was “Daddy.”
  • If you are interested in watching any of her films, Turner Classic Movies will have a 24-hour marathon of them on April 10.
  • I remember when my parents bought me a 19-inch television.  I thought it was big and I use to watch it from across the room.  Now, I sit less then a couple feet from two 21-inch monitors.
  • Former Dallas Maverick Mark Aguirre was hospitalized yesterday and I hear one sports personality on the radio state that his jersey number should be retired and he’s the second best Mav behind Dirk Nowitzki.  Hogwash.  Roy Tarpley was a better player, heck, I would probably even say that Sam Perkins was a better player than Aguirre; not to mention, he won Detroit championships not Dallas, so why retire his number?
  • Mad Men is behind schedule because of contract negotiations with the creator, so it looks like no shows this summer.
  • A blog dedicated to nothing but Stupid Man Commercials, you know, because there’s no such thing as a stupid woman anymore.
  • The Napping Habits of 8 Famous Men
  • Eating Cotton Balls Dipped in Orange Juice and Other Tidbits About the Modeling World
  • Dolphin rescued from rice field 12 days after tsunami
  • Comcast Begs Employees To Vote For Charter In Worst Company In America Poll
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4 Responses to Bag of Randomness

  1. Jimi says:

    Oh Geddings! Your opinion of what you think is right is totally wrong! Mark Aquirre was a top 3 player in the NBA for 3yrs in a Mavs uniform. He was much better than Brad Davis, and his number is retired. Winning!

  2. kev says:

    DogGeeding was way cool. Could call him Dee Gee

  3. Peggy says:

    last post reminds me of someone who named their dog deeohgee……..clever….I think I know the name…took me a while, but I am close to the right page now……..

  4. It's Secret says:


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