Betwixt The Music: Jewel & Sarah Palin
Betwixt The Music: Jewel & Sarah Palin from Jewel
Posted in Goofy, Political, Pop Culture
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Betwixt The Music: Jewel & Sarah Palin from Jewel
A collection of dance clips from almost 40 movies from dance movies to comedies, from Fred Astaire to Micheal Jackson.
We created this site for those of you that have a song stuck in your head and you can’t get it out no matter what you do. Using the latest techniques in reverse-auditory-melodic-unstickification technology, we’ve been able to allow our … Continue reading
I found this Automaker Family Tree very fascinating. DogGeeding has been to the vet three times within the past eight days, the latest for a crazy red eye infection. The vet thinks he’s just several weeks away. Sometimes, we think … Continue reading