- I’m sensitive and this study describes me to a T.
- After writing that sentence, I wanted to make sure if I should have used “tee” or “T” and was curious as to the origin of the phrase – here’s what a found.
- Slash took a stand for Conan on The Tonight Show the other night.
- This Asian kid sure can sing Dolly and Whitney’s song.
- I’m not happy with YouTube’s new page format.
- Bono makes the list of all time Irish greats ever
- Sometimes you just need retractable motion lights to show off your rims
- Yes, Jimi, that signs reminds me of this Simpsons scene.
- The Origins of All 30 MLB Team Names
- Mars in HD: First People’s Choice Images Released
- Where superheroes shop for all their needs – The Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company
- Gary Busey on Prayer Hour
- Chuck Colson — Watergate figure turned evangelical activist — looks at the amorphous Tea Party movement through a Christian lens in Christianity Today. Link
- Gorilla Suit Suit
I'm Peter Pantsless!!!