Support all your favorite organizations from a single monthly donation is a site that makes monthly giving easier. It does this by letting you set up a single monthly budget for all your giving and divide it up across as many recipient organizations as you want. This keeps you in control, is more flexible, and lets you give to more different organizations than you ever could on your own. You can give anonymously and in small amounts. Tax records are easy. And you can see what others are giving to, which can help you decide what to give to.

People use to give to important nonprofits, charities, churches, open source software projects, their alma mater, favorite podcasts, and more. It’s automatic, it’s easy, and it’s free. was created to solve the problem of too many worthy nonprofits, not enough time. You support lots of ideas and organizations, but it’s not realistic to give them all access to your credit cards for monthly pledges. Nor are you likely to keep escalating our donation amount every time you learn about a new cause worth supporting (you probably can’t afford to!). But if you can set a budget, then allocate it easily…problem solved.

The theory being testing here is that people will give more freely, to more recipients, if it’s easier to do.

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