The NCAA Football Rules Committee agreed Wednesday to bar players from displaying words, numbers, logos and other symbols in the anti-glare “eye black” they underline their eyes with.
Though not mentioned in the decision, former college football star and outspoken Christian Tim Tebow has been credited by numerous media and bloggers as having had an influence on the move – dubbed by some already as “The Tebow Rule.”
Though hundreds of college players use their eye black to express themselves, Tebow’s use of the glare reducer had drawn notably attention over the past two years as it touted verses in the Bibles. It became especially prominent the college football season before last as he marched his team toward their second BCS championship in three years.
I think the article focuses too much on Tebow, almost portraying him like a victim. I read several things about how the NCAA was worried about the image of gang influence, and how many players represented where they came from by writing their area codes on their eye black among other things. I’m not saying that the decision was not influenced by Tebow’s action, I just don’t like how they article has the world is against believers approach.
This could easily become a first amendment test case against the NCAA if someone wanted to test it and had the resources behind them…