- One of my coworkers asked me yesterday if I know anything about money orders. Heck, it’s been a while since I actually used one, but I told her I was at least familiar with them. It turns out that she was digging through her purse and found a $400 blank money order completely in tact with the perforated stub receipt thingy. She has no clue how it ended up in her purse, and the only time she had her purse out in public was when she went bowling this weekend.
- Since there’s really no way for her to track down the owner, her situation made me wonder what I would do if I were in her shoes. I’m thinking I would keep half and donate half to the North Texas Food Bank. For me, it’s one of those things that I don’t think I really know what I would do unless it really happened to me.
- Inside story on what’s going on with Mike Leach and Texas Tech.
- Religious Artifacts Products for Churches
- Expect a blue moon on New Year’s Eve
- Learn something everyday
- Recoiling Socket in a Wall
- Something for the e-Bay seller in your life.
- Bulletproof pocket square to cover your heart from a sniper
- Forensic Analysis Of A Victoria’s Secret Photo
- United State of Pop 2009 – A mashup of the Top 25 Hits of 2009, according to Billboard.
- Singing ‘Jesus Loves Me’ during the terrorist attempt
- The official video for Michael Jackson’s posthumous single, This Is It.
- The decade in icons
- 20 things that happen in one minute
- Number Gossip – Enter a number and I’ll tell you everything you wanted to know about it but were afraid to ask
Lot of good stuff in today's posts. I enjoyed the icons and things happening in a minute. I knew a "blue moon" was two full moons in a month but didn't know they occured every 2 1/2 years
On the money order issue…wouldn't that be stealing if she kept it. LOL. I'm not even a holy roller and I figured that one out. Why doesn't she phone the bowling alley and see if someone has reported it missing. Clearly it's a case of purse-staken identity.