WifeGeeding and I used those pumpkins to reveal to her parents that she is with child.
WifeGeeding informed me early on a Monday morning. She gets up before I do to get ready for work. After she showered she woke me with the words, “Honey, I think I might be pregnant.” Talk about a way to start a Monday.
Later that Monday we confirmed the pregnancy at the doctors office. Once the doctor confirmed the pregnancy, WifeGeeding looked at me with a smile and the first words out of her mouth were, “Honey, your boys can swim.” And that’s reason 5,424 why I love my wife.
As many of you have guessed, my writer’s block came from me trying to keep a secret. It’s hard to write about random things when you mind is preoccupied with one aspect that will forever change your life.
I wonder how many of you caught on to yesterday theme before reading Bag of Randomness.
Wowzers, I had a record day of comments, something like a total of forty. For this little blog, that’s a lot. Heck, I only thought I had only about 20 readers.
I want you to know how much I appreciate all the kind words and all of the encouragement that were expressed to me and WifeGeeding.
It’s been fun throwing around the terms ZygoteGeeding, EmbryoGeeding, and FetusGeeding.
I guess the big question for all of you is how far along are we into this new journey. Well, only about eight weeks. Yes, I understand that we are suppose to wait until the first trimester before revealing anything, but hey, the overflow of the heart, the mouth shall speak, right? Not to mention, word has been slowly leaking out and it turned into a sooner rather than later kind of thing.
Yes, I’m excited, but I’m like most males that it doesn’t seem real, and probably won’t until the actual birth. And like most future fathers, I’m preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. We are too scared we are going to jinx things.
There are times I think I’m going to be the best father ever, and there are times I think I feel nothing but sorrow for this little kid because somehow he drew the short straw and got stuck with me.
I’m going to do my best not to become that parent. The one that always says things like “Well, I can tell you don’t have any children” or “Just wait until you become a parent . . .” Gosh darn those people annoy me, in the most Christian way possible of course.
I totally got a kick out of some of the U2 comments left here yesterday regarding our future child.
This darn kid is so totally going to cut into my media room fund. Talk about sacrifice.
I found out a lot more people that actually know me read this blog. like you, Lisa, working over in Westlake.
Damn shame my parents never got the opportunity to become grandparents.
It has already been predetermined that our child will be brought into this world while U2 is playing in the room. WifeGeeding and I are already working on a playlist of our favorite U2 songs that will randomly play when she is in labor. There’s no telling what song BabyGeeding will be born to, perhaps I should open it up to guesses.
Speaking of U2, they will hold a free performance in Berlin on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. I remembered when that event happened. I was watching television late at night and woke Mom and Dad asking them if this was a big deal or not.
WifeGeeding is doing well, she’s tired most of time which means she does nothing but teach, eat and sleep.
She’s not craving sweets or anything weird, but she is real particular in what she wants at a given time.
We are trying to find an OB/GYN in the area. So far we have had one consultation. I was a bit surprised how difficult it is to schedule an appointment. Too bad Dr Huxtable isn’t still practicing.
I have a very close friend whose wife is also pregnant. He also brought a tear to my eye when he wrote in an email, “I’m so happy to be going through this journey with you.”
Just wait until you become a parent…YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT!
I don't know you IRL, but the love you share with us through BON makes me know you are going to be a fantastic dad and wifegeeding will be a wonderful mama.
God has blessed you and wifegeeding…and God is blessing babygeeding!
You will not be able to resist becoming the “Well, I can tell you don’t have any children” or “Just wait until you become a parent . . .” Being a parent absolutely transends you into another atmosphere. It makes your previous life move into a shade of grey, and the older your kids get the more colorful your past becomes!
Congratulations! That is such awesome news. There will be many hours of work and nights without sleep ahead for you and wifegeeding, but after 4 years into this adventure with our first and with our second due in December, I can easily say that it is worth every bit of it!
Congratulations! I read your blog daily along with my 27 year old daughter, Amanda. We love your thoughts and just know you will be great parents. AND you WILL be one of those parents "Because I said so!" I promised and prayed I would not be…but, behold….I am! I will keep trying.
This sentence should actually say "WifeGeeding is doing well, she’s tired most of time which means she does nothing but teach, eat and sleep", and GROW A HUMAN! 🙂
Also, regarding U2 at the birth. When our boy was born, it was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and so we played the U2 song MLK. It was unbelievably awesome. I think I've told you that before…
Congrats! I was trying to get to your blog last night to confirm my suspicions (I don't check blogs daily anymore) and it was telling me some database error…So I couldn't confirm what was up, but suspected with all the baby stuff, sonogram cakes, etc…
The fall of the Berlin wall…I remember that – I was supposed to be IN Berlin that weekend, but my parents cancelled our trip at the last minute because of rumblings they had heard, and weren't sure if it was going to be a good thing or a bad thing…so we stayed home and watched it on tv, live, in Germany. It was crazy emotional, even as a 9 year old!
Congratulations! What a journey it will be!…and trust me your journey will be special and unique unlike anyone else's! As a retired ob/gyn nurse don't let women scare your wife….never understood why some mothers like to tell "their version" of labor and delivery….(most the time it gets stretched substantially)….and possibly one of the best pieces of advices I received was "Don't pat yourself on the back too much for the good things your child does and don't beat yourself up too much for the bad"
Oh my goodness, CONGRATULATIONS!! : )
You will both be fabulous parents, and it will certainly be a wonderful thing for you to document all the new happenings here… your Mom is looking down upon all 5 of you (including DogGeedings) and smiling.
Be sure to give our warm wishes to WifeGeeding!
"Wowzers, I had a record day of comments, something like a total of forty. For this little blog, that’s a lot. Heck, I only thought I had only about 20 readers."
I guarantee you have far more readers than you think….I suspect you are a daily ritual and a bookmark for many many people even if we/they never comment:)
Congratulations to both of you! Parenthood is a wonderful, mysterious, challenging, thrilling adventure that will change your life in so many ways. I can't wait to see pics of BabyGeeding!
Congrats on the coming of BabyGeeding. Start looking for a good day care now to get your name on the list. Children, God's way of saying that life should continue.
Keith, having a baby is probably the most scary, most worrisome event you'll experience. But it is also the most joyful, and the most rewarding. None of us are perfect parents- we ALL make mistakes, but that's ok because it teaches our kids that it's ok to not be perfect all the time. Have faith that it will all work itself out, because you know, it usually does :).
I love the pumpkins- awesome idea!!! Were WG's parents thrilled?
I would vote for Beautiful Day or The Sweetest Thing, but somehow the lyrics don't seem quite right. But the titles are spot-on. Congrats again! 🙂
okay, i'm going to say it:
Just wait until you become a parent…YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT!
I don't know you IRL, but the love you share with us through BON makes me know you are going to be a fantastic dad and wifegeeding will be a wonderful mama.
God has blessed you and wifegeeding…and God is blessing babygeeding!
YAY Geedings!! I love my OB/Gyn – he's in Irving, so that may be a bit of a drive. But if you want his info, let me know.
Congrats! You will be great parents!
Salute my friend….Outstanding…Coulter-Smith in Grapevine is the Bomb, my wife Loves her
AWESOME!!!! CONGRATS!!!!! Being a parent is the greatest thing in the world!! Your gonna be AWESOME!! Much love to all the Geeding's from the Wilson's
You will not be able to resist becoming the “Well, I can tell you don’t have any children” or “Just wait until you become a parent . . .” Being a parent absolutely transends you into another atmosphere. It makes your previous life move into a shade of grey, and the older your kids get the more colorful your past becomes!
Congratulations! That is such awesome news. There will be many hours of work and nights without sleep ahead for you and wifegeeding, but after 4 years into this adventure with our first and with our second due in December, I can easily say that it is worth every bit of it!
Congratulations! I read your blog daily along with my 27 year old daughter, Amanda. We love your thoughts and just know you will be great parents. AND you WILL be one of those parents "Because I said so!" I promised and prayed I would not be…but, behold….I am! I will keep trying.
This sentence should actually say "WifeGeeding is doing well, she’s tired most of time which means she does nothing but teach, eat and sleep", and GROW A HUMAN! 🙂
Also, regarding U2 at the birth. When our boy was born, it was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and so we played the U2 song MLK. It was unbelievably awesome. I think I've told you that before…
Congrats! I was trying to get to your blog last night to confirm my suspicions (I don't check blogs daily anymore) and it was telling me some database error…So I couldn't confirm what was up, but suspected with all the baby stuff, sonogram cakes, etc…
The fall of the Berlin wall…I remember that – I was supposed to be IN Berlin that weekend, but my parents cancelled our trip at the last minute because of rumblings they had heard, and weren't sure if it was going to be a good thing or a bad thing…so we stayed home and watched it on tv, live, in Germany. It was crazy emotional, even as a 9 year old!
First time commenting, but I check the blog at least twice a week. Just wanted to say Congratulations! 😀
Congratulations! What a journey it will be!…and trust me your journey will be special and unique unlike anyone else's! As a retired ob/gyn nurse don't let women scare your wife….never understood why some mothers like to tell "their version" of labor and delivery….(most the time it gets stretched substantially)….and possibly one of the best pieces of advices I received was "Don't pat yourself on the back too much for the good things your child does and don't beat yourself up too much for the bad"
Congrats, I'm sure you will make a wonderful father. WifeGeeding will be wonderful also, I mean she has been putting up with your antics.
Oh my goodness, CONGRATULATIONS!! : )
You will both be fabulous parents, and it will certainly be a wonderful thing for you to document all the new happenings here… your Mom is looking down upon all 5 of you (including DogGeedings) and smiling.
Be sure to give our warm wishes to WifeGeeding!
"Wowzers, I had a record day of comments, something like a total of forty. For this little blog, that’s a lot. Heck, I only thought I had only about 20 readers."
I guarantee you have far more readers than you think….I suspect you are a daily ritual and a bookmark for many many people even if we/they never comment:)
"It's a beautiful day." – U2
Dude! Congrats!!!
Congratulations to both of you! Parenthood is a wonderful, mysterious, challenging, thrilling adventure that will change your life in so many ways. I can't wait to see pics of BabyGeeding!
Congrats on the coming of BabyGeeding. Start looking for a good day care now to get your name on the list. Children, God's way of saying that life should continue.
Keith, having a baby is probably the most scary, most worrisome event you'll experience. But it is also the most joyful, and the most rewarding. None of us are perfect parents- we ALL make mistakes, but that's ok because it teaches our kids that it's ok to not be perfect all the time. Have faith that it will all work itself out, because you know, it usually does :).
I love the pumpkins- awesome idea!!! Were WG's parents thrilled?
I would vote for Beautiful Day or The Sweetest Thing, but somehow the lyrics don't seem quite right. But the titles are spot-on. Congrats again! 🙂
big congrats to you both!!!!! that will be one lucky child, to which i'm sure will be raised by such wondeful parents.