- I remember roaming the library in elementary school and always being intrigued by the “Where The Wild Things Are” book only to be disappointed and a bit confused when I opened it up. But I have to admit that the movie has caught my attention even thought I have no desire to see it.
- One thing that makes the commercial so appealing is the song “Wake Up” by the Arcade Fire. That song was also the song U2 walked on stage to at the beginning of all their Vertigo concerts.
- The U2 concert is tonight at JerryWorld. I want to describe my emotions, but I can’t.
- Earlier this year, or maybe it was last year, the Miss USA pageant had that bit of a controversy with the conservative Miss California answering a question from the flamboyant Perez Hilton. Now the Miss America pageant is going to have Rush Limbaugh as a judge. I may be the only person that finds this a bit interesting.
- I heard Joe Buck ask Troy Aikman, “Can you imagine what Tony Romo is going through . . .” I’m thinking if anyone could imagine what Romo is going through it’s Troy Aikman.
- I’m not sure who would have ever drafted Austin Miles to be on his fantasy football team, but whoever did had one heck of a day.
- 50 years of space exploration
- Someone on The Amazing Race confused Jackie Kennedy for Queen Elizabeth.
U2 travels in a very nice jet
Something that I will experience tonight
Austin Miles? Ummmm…..
I will be there with you in Spirit, brother.