Lawsuit over mock holdup at pharmacy

On the day before Christmas 2007, a masked gunman entered a health-center pharmacy and demanded OxyContin, according to a lawsuit filed in Burlington County.

Pharmacy technician Babette Perry of Mount Laurel said the man burst in and told her he was holding another worker hostage, according to her account of that day.

Perry, 46, says she tried to call for assistance but the phone wasn’t working.

“Ms. Perry believed that the gunman was capable of shooting her or holding her hostage,” according to the lawsuit, filed last month.

Afterward, Perry found out the incident had been staged. The “hostage,” Polly Costantini, director of human resources at the Hampton Behavioral Health Center, told her it was a safety drill designed by Hampton and its parent company, Universal Health Services Inc. of King of Prussia, the lawsuit states.

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One Response to Lawsuit over mock holdup at pharmacy

  1. Nathan S. says:

    probably wouldn't want to do that in Texas

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