Someone on the radio mentioned that David Letterman is in the top five of most recognizable celebrities, and that got me to thinking . . . who else would make that list other than the president? Who would children, the elderly, all ethnic groups, nerds, jocks, bacon loving marathon runners and everyone else most recognize. I think Letterman, Leno, Oprah, and Michael Jordon fit the bill.
A middle school teacher was drunk and started to dance in front of her students. If that was bad enough, a lot of the students recorded the act with their cell phones. Article with Video
The title of this article and the officer’s name is a bit funny.
I find the website for the Dallas Morning News to be quite disappointing.
I’m not a fan of HOA’s, in particular my HOA. Because of the refinance, the title company needs a form from the HOA, but the HOA will not start on the form until I complete the form with payment. I call the HOA to start the process and end up being told by a recording to go to the website. I was thinking, sweet, it’s on the web, I’ll get this done in no time – only to learn that I have to print the form out and mail it in with a check. I guess they are still stuck in 1999.
I can’t recall the last time I ate bacon. I bet it’s been over a month.
I really enjoy reading George Stephanopoulos’ tweets – for instance I learned that Obama has a new teleprompter is now just a large single screen in front of him and that Univision got to answer a question right after all the big networks and before all the other cable stations.
He also stated that there wasn’t one question over Iraq or Afganistan during the whole press conference.
Lance Armstrong is also fun to follow on Twitter.
I also follow Shaq, but too many people reply to him, but he does post interesting pictures.
That last sentence had two buts – hehe.
I read an interesting article how the new administration is seeing that newspapers are no longer the big medium it use to be to get out a message and how they are now focusing on radio and and web venues. Interesting.
I fear writing about Obama. I’m afraid if I say something positive, there will be a lot of negative reactions or people will just say that I can’t see any wrong in the guy because I’m a liberal. If I write something negative, people will just tell me how stupid I am because I voted for the guy. For the most part, should I say something, I’ll try to make up substantive.
Before he was famous – Michael Emerson (also known as Ben from Lost stars as a psychiatrist for troubled inmates in this educational film from the Federal Bureau of Prisons – his first appearance is around the 6:10 mark.
Christian valedictoran case headed for the Supreme Court Article
DirecTV’s RedZone channel will be offered to non-DirecTV customers Article
who's the guy you posted yesterday? Don't leave us hanging!
I must be a HUGH nerd and greatly behing the times. I have never read anyones twitter and I don't text message.
I must be a HUGH nerd and greatly behing the times. I have never read anyones twitter and I don't text message.