After watching Lost the other night I went to bed with chills and woke up with body aches and more chills, and it was about 80 degrees outside, so I took a day off work, which gives me some blogging time.
I had to refresh my mind on Horace Goodspeed. I forgot he was present during Ben’s birth, was married to someone else, appeared in one of Locke’s dreams, and he built Jacob’s cabin.
Now lets combine the last two bullets points . . . Horus (almost spelled like Horace) is an ancient Egyptian god that looked like that statue we saw at the beginning of the show.
Now this might be a stretch, but we often see Richard Alpert with eyeliner, which was something ancient Egyptians use to do, so perhaps Alpert is Egyptian? Check out the last point on this page about eyeliner.
No Lost next week. Blerg. And in case you weren’t aware, yesterday was the halfway point of this season.
Seeing Amy, the pregnant girl, I was hoping that Jack Bauer would make a surprise appearance. I did think she had a goofy look on her face once she tricked Sawyer and the gang. Pic
But I wonder who that baby grows up to be? The new guy, Caesar?
It was a bit creepy when Faraday saw the young Charlotte.
Speaking of kids, I wonder when or if Sawyer and the gang will run into Little Ben.
Juliet was a man’s dream in that last episode. Not only does she cook, clean, repair cars, and it a good shot, but she’s a doctor, and a darn good looking one. Not to mention, she didn’t contradict Sawyer in public when she disagreed with him regarding where to go, a very admirable trait.
I couldn’t help but think of failed Dallas Cowboys David LaFleur during this episode.
I think it’s funny how we have a name for Nadya Suleman, the Octomom. But when you think about it, that’s not an accurate name, after all she has a total of 14 kids, not eight. So maybe she should be called the TetradecagMom
Nothing about T.O.?