In need of prayer?

Try and choose from one of five options:

Don’t worry yourself, we can pray for you! Our ordained priests, nuns and devout congregation can pray for you and your loved ones on a daily basis or as often as you wish

* Copper – 30 days for US$ 29.95
* Bronze – 60 days for US$ 49.95
* Silver – 90 days for US$ 69.95
* Gold – 180 days for US$ 129.95
* Platinum – 365 days for US$ 249.95

* 1 hour of general congregational prayer free with purchase
* Digital picture prayer (US$ 49.95) – free with gold, platinum package
* 1 hour of general congregational prayer
* Blessing ceremony for US$ 99.95

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One Response to In need of prayer?

  1. Andy Box says:

    wow…just wow…

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