WASHINGTON – Most Americans strongly believe that God has uniquely blessed America, and a similar majority believe that the United States should set the example as a Christian nation to the rest of the world, a survey released Wednesday found.
Sixty-one percent agree that America is a nation specially blessed by God, and 59 percent believe the United States should be a model Christian nation to the world, according to a poll conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research Inc. for the PBS news program Religion & Ethics Newsweekly and the United Nations Foundation.
Support for the idea that America is uniquely blessed by God was highest among people who attend religious services weekly (80 percent), with 86 percent of evangelical Christians sharing this belief. In comparison, less than half (48 percent) of those who attend religious services less regularly held the same view.
The nationwide survey of 1,400 adults, including an oversample of 400 evangelical Christians aged 18-29, was conducted to find how religion shapes people’s view of America’s role in the world and its foreign policy.
If there’s someone around here that agrees with that 61% and wants to discuss the sheer idiocy of your point of view please let me know. I mean, come ON. You could even argue against that right from christian scripture…for example how would God’s “boundless” and “limitless” and “unconditional” love apply differently to the people in one geographic region over another. It makes no sense! But WE are the chosen ones and WE have to lead the rest of the world with our holiness and our self-righteousness. And yet WE cannot even apply the writings from the book WE follow to how WE think. These idiots are voting in a week. *blech*