Match-o-Matic II

Two quotes appear at a time, and you choose the one you most agree with.


Out of the 13 quotes, my results are as follows:

5 – McCain
8 – Obama

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10 Responses to Match-o-Matic II

  1. noevadeaux says:


  2. Rev. Hart says:

    11 – Obama
    2 – McCain

  3. DB says:

    4 – Obama
    9 – McCain

  4. juntao says:

    9 obama
    4 McCain

  5. jw says:

    4 Obama
    9 McCain

  6. Ashley says:

    1 – Obama
    12 – McCain

  7. lindsay says:

    3 – Obama
    10 – McCain

  8. Warren says:


  9. Warren says:

    That makes it

    Obama 61
    McCain 56

    For readers and Keith’s score combined.

  10. Wes Mantooth says:

    Obama -1
    McCain – 12

    That makes it:
    Obama – 62
    McCain – 68

    Love the blog. Been reading for months, but this is my first comment.

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