WifeGeeding Book Report Part 2

The Sacred Echo

Chapter 1: I Love You

This chapter is exactly what the title says, I love you. God tells us this over and over again in scripture. We know God loves us, but He wants us to really experience His love. Someone can tell you they love you, but until they show you that love through words and deeds it is hard to experience that love. God wants us to experience His love. Margaret Feinberg writes, “The adventures of Jesus are not merely story; they are experiential.” Sure we read the stories in the Bible about Noah and the Ark, God parting the Red Sea, walking on water, and much more and think that must have been really cool, but have you ever taken the time to really think about how those were real people and what they must have said, physically felt, and seen? They were truly experiencing God’s love!

The one thing that I would like to take away from this chapter is to truly experience God’s love. I want it to be “alive in my heart so that I become freer to love others. Alive in my mind to be better at expressing that love and alive in my life to become a smidgen closer to being who God has called and created me to be.”


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One Response to WifeGeeding Book Report Part 2

  1. MamaToots says:

    One of the many ways I have experienced God’s love is when I became a parent. To know that God loved me so much that He entrusted His children to my care has given me an opportunity to learn about how much God loves. That act alone has made my heart alive to love as He does, unconditionally. It has made my mind alive as I express that love to my children. It has drawn my life a “smidgen closer” to being who God has called me to be. I love you!

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