WifeGeeding Book Report Part 1

Keith and I met Margaret Feinberg about 2 years ago at Irving Bible Church where she was the guest speaker for young adults. During her presentation a video clip was shown in which Keith and two others had been previously interviewed by the Bible Communities pastor. Keith must have made some comment about his blog during the interview because Margaret was fascinated by the number of people who visit this blog daily. After the presentation Keith and I visited with Margaret and found it very easy to talk to her. In fact, I took my glass eye out for her to see! I never do that to strangers! As the evening came to an end we bought a few of her books and thanked her for coming—not thinking we would continue to have her in our lives. A year later Margaret came back to IBC for the FUSION conference. She first spoke in a large group then held a breakout session that Keith and I attended. This time I had to take my eye out for her husband! Since then Margaret checks out Keith’s blog from time to time as we do to her blog. About 2 weeks ago she emailed Keith and asked him if he would be interested in reading her new book, The Sacred Echo, and then blogging about it. Keith is not much of a reader so I will be a guest writer on his blog for a few weeks as I read the book. At the back of the book is a “Reflections” section in which the reader can reflect on the chapter just read through questions and scripture. I will be keeping a journal with my answers to these questions, but will just share a concept, phrase, or story from the chapter that was most meaningful to me on the blog. Hopefully, my comments will intrigue you to read the book.

Margaret writes this book to share her “sacred echoes” with us. What are sacred echoes? Margaret describes it as “the persistent voice of God.” For example, haven’t you ever wondered if God is speaking to you during a sermon or song or if it’s just your emotions? I know I have. That is where the sacred echoes come into play. Feinberg writes, “The repetitive nature of a sacred echo gives me confidence that God is really prompting, guiding, or leading. It reminds me to pay close attention; something important may be going on here. The sacred echo challenges me to prayerfully consider how God is at work in my own life as well as the lives of those around me. The sacred echo is an invitation to spiritual awakening.” I pray that I as I read this book I will begin to hear the “sacred echoes” in my life.

Here is a statement that really stood out to me in the chapter titled, “Exposed”.

”I want a relationship with God where prayer is as natural as breathing. If God is the one in whom we are to live and move and have our being, then I want my every inhale infused with his presence, my every exhale an extension of his love.”

Isn’t that beautiful!?


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One Response to WifeGeeding Book Report Part 1

  1. MamaToots says:

    Well done! Continue to grow in Christ and mature in your spiritual journey and you will realize that prayer is not a “thing you do” , but rather a “state of being” in which you live.!

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