I’m back from blogging retirement after finding there really wasn’t much out there for me to do.
In my retirement I thought I would spend more time with WifeGeeding. She happens to be training for a half marathon, so I thought I could work out with her for some real quality bonding time. I thought this was a good idea until about after the first 100 feet of our first run. That’s was when I felt that darn pain in my side. Out of breath and defeated, I headed back inside and looked for something to watch on TV. Nada.
I then picked up a book and realized that although I admire those who read, it’s just something I don’t enjoy doing. Next on the list was to start playing video games, but I priced the latest video game systems and they are out of my budget.
I sat around thinking of other things I could do like playing the guitar – but I don’t have the patience. WifeGeeding suggested that I check out the scrap-booking store down the street, but I didn’t feel like turning in my man card.
It was then that I saw WifeGeeding on the computer . . . . blogging. She just created her own Facebook profile. She doesn’t have a lot of friends on Facebook, so give her a shout out if you have an account. Watching her blog made me realize that’s something I really like to do. Sure it might be geeky, but that’s what makes me . . . me. I enjoy finding weird, goofy, interesting stuff and sharing it – and quite frankly, I think I’m rather talented at it. This is my spiritual gift, and who am I to waste a God given gift. So with that said I’m back from retirement.
ahhh…that which is my crack, is back…sweet relief!
And there was much rejoicing.
April Fools or not…it is good to know that there is more of Nothing to come…
I’m glad you’re back, I enjoy BON very much.
Very humbly, I declare this is a great day for all mankind!
Thank GOD I was a little short on getting the Gold retierment watch purchased and engraved!!:)
We are all glad to have you back, my whole daily routine was thrown off with out my morning BON fix!
Thank goodness! Where else would I get my odd fulfillment?? Hey whats wrong with being a geek? 😛
I’m so glad you’re back. I was SOOO sad!!!
welcome and good to see you back! we will throw a “welcome back from retirement” party, in your honor.
Glad to see you’ve reopened the bag. LOL. You crack me up! It was weird that the first time I came back in forever, you had quit!