Doctors now find patients obnoxious.
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) — A few months ago, Dr. David Golden says, he had to fire a patient for being obnoxious.
The patient had a cough. After examining him, Golden recommended a medication. But then the patient did his own research and became worried about side effects.
“He said, ‘But I read about this on the Internet, and I know this and I know that, and I know I’m right,’ ” remembered Golden, an allergist in Baltimore, Maryland.
Golden says he tried to explain why the side effects weren’t as bad as the patient thought, and why the medicine would take care of his cough. “But he wasn’t open to discussing anything. He countermanded everything I said. So I told him, ‘You know it all, so go take care of yourself. I’m not your doctor anymore.’ “
Golden says he’s all for empowered and educated patients, but some patients have become so empowered, they’re actually putting their care in jeopardy.
“I’ve been doing this for 28 years, and unquestionably it’s gotten much worse,” Golden says.