The original scribes of the Bible might have been inspired by God. Their modern-day successors? They find inspiration in vacuum cleaners, polka-dot bedspreads and a slick, hot-pink Juicy Couture purse.This might sound a bit irreverent. But consider it from the Bible publisher’s point of view: How do you sell a really old book that 91 percent of households already have?
You can’t update the content, or get the author on “Oprah.”
But you can make the look sizzle. If pink and shiny sells a purse, why not a psalm?
In the conference room they call the Bible Bunker, executives of Bible publisher Zondervan pore over fabric swatches. They watch PowerPoints on the latest in appliances and accessories, noting color trends. They caress bold new patterns in embossed faux leather.
“People ask, ‘How do you get excited working on one darn book?’ ” said Scott Bolinder, an executive vice president. “Yet there’s probably no place you can be more imaginative – and more strategic.”