Hair Mixer

Select two celebrities and do a hair/face swap.

Here’s Anderson Cooper with Ophar’s hair.


You can even upload your own photo.

Here I am with Hillary Clinton’s hair.



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5 Responses to Hair Mixer

  1. Satan (aka CCC) says:

    This made me laugh out loud!!!

  2. Doug says:

    Can I possibly do a wallet swap with Brad Pitt?

  3. sistergeeding says:

    it’s not so much her hair… it’s the fact that you have old lady neck… hahahaha

  4. sistergeeding says:

    oh, and that you look like those wannabe asian thugs that bleach their hair and wear baggy clothing… or maybe an anime character? ya know, those japanese cartoons that draw the eyes too big? hehe

  5. Starr says:

    Sistergeeding is brutal. And funny.

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