The country’s most expensive and strongest beer

Is Sam Adams Utopias which contains 27% alcohol per volumne and retails at $120 for a 24-ounce bottle.



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2 Responses to The country’s most expensive and strongest beer

  1. Doug says:

    I’m a big fan of really rare and expensive beer. I go for quality over quantity and this stuff is supposed to be good but not great.

    All beer rater web sites list Westvleteren 12 which is brewed by Belgian Trappist Monks as the best. The problem with it is you can’t buy it in the US. So, like a goofus I paid $33 per 12 oz. bottle to have it shipped here. It was as good as I had hoped looking back…IT’S JUST BEER! What was I thinking?

  2. hot_bananas says:

    The Trappist, is expensive because it’s exclusive and is sold individually only. meaning, one has to call to reserve what kind of beer by appointment. i’ll wait til the dollars go up again and visit the monastery for a bottle. glad you enjoy that beer, though, Doug. i’m sure it was an experience. as for now, i’ll stick with Leffe.

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