The recent investigation of several mega-church pastors has some people happy that the Senate is finally getting involved and forcing the pastors to account for their lavish material possessions and lifestyles. Others think the targeting of these pastors is unfair and unmerited. One such advocate of pastors and other Christians living prosperous lives is Dr. Norman Robertson, an acclaimed authority on biblical finance and biblical concepts of successful living. Dr. Robertson, who has been teaching and writing about God’s financial plan and “The Prosperity Gospel” for more than 20 years, is an expert who maintains that the Bible declares that God wants His people to prosper.
Dr. Robertson, best selling author, speaker and television personality, recently released a controversial teaching series entitled, “Myths, Lies, and the Gospel Truth about Prosperity,” where he points out that Jesus was not poor nor were the Disciples. He cites several scriptures to support the claim. In Matthew 2:11 Dr. Robertson points out that Kings came to visit Jesus at the age of two and brought lavish gifts. Additionally, in Matthew 27:35 he points out that Jesus wore expensive clothes. Dr. Robertson explains that God wants His people to be rich so they can be a blessing to others.
he really infuriates me…him an all his children…joel, joyce, etc…
Blessed to be a Blessing! I think scripture supports the foundations of the prosperity message, BUT (And this is a big BUT!) I also believe everyone has s different opinion of what prosperity truly is. The key is learning what Jesus thought of material possesions, and the like. That teaching counters most like Dr. Robertson. Big cars, expensive homes, gold watches, and the like don’t really do much for anyone but the owner.
In my opinion…
So, does it stand to reason that those that worship Him the most or the best receive the greatest amount of prosperity?
By the way, that was an honest question asked without sarcasm for those that want to respond. I think there may be a bit of truth to it. The closer I walk with Jesus, the more prosperous (not talking about money here) my life will be.
“So, does it stand to reason that those that worship Him the most or the best receive the greatest amount of prosperity?”
Sure hasn’t worked for me….
(the money part anyway)
A Concur with Nathan…
You guys have to realize the word prosperity comes from the French word prosperite, meaning “good fortune”. I had good fortune the other day when my friend was pronounced in remission from cancer. The drunk guy on the road today missed me when I was riding my Harley into work. My dog ran under my legs on the way down the stairs this morning and I was able to catch myself…all good fortune.
Money is but one of many things contributing to prosperity.
give this man a camel and the eye of a needle