The best part about the fall season is
- The Weather: 30% (34)
- Football: 35% (40)
- New TV shows: 8% (9)
- No more mowing: 2% (2)
- the food!1: 2% (2)
- The Holidays1: 4% (5)
- I’m Getting Married1: 2% (2)
- I’m NOT Getting Married!1: 11% (12)
- World Series1: 2% (2)
- I’m going to Disney!1: 1% (1)
- That much closer to NEXT summer!1: 4% (4)
- The Foiage1: 1% (1)
Total Votes : 114
For the two that are getting or have just married . . . may God bless your marriage.