Former Korn Guitarist Finds Jesus

kornsavenmensfgda1.jpgMost of Brian “Head” Welch’s tattoos are new.

It seems like the multicolored ink sleeves and matted brown dreadlocks would be remnants of the “old” Brian, the one who spent a decade pounding out power chords to lyrics like “Right now / I feel it scratch inside / I want to slash and beat you.”

But the tattoo near his makeup-lined eyes gives him away. It’s a small teardrop — a traditional gang symbol — juxtaposed with a cross.

When he got it a couple years ago, he thought it symbolized the intense love of Jesus Christ.

Now, he says, it’s a permanent symbol of the unrelenting hardship, and prevailing joy, he discovered in 2005 when he abandoned riches and rock-star glory to become a Christian.

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