Over a year ago I remember watching a video in church that was created by Igniter Media. The video was a sermon by a black preacher about who Jesus Christ is to him. It was very powerful and inspiring, and I even remember my friend Bone writing about it:
I think I need to get the portion of the recorded Sermon Andy used to end the service on Sunday. I like hearing Jesus introduced by a pastor that sounds part Muhammad Ali and part Jesse Jackson and part Boxing Promoter. They bust that out about one a year and I always thoroughly enjoy that.
I’ve always wanted to watch that video again, but could never find any information about it. Well, I have recently been checking out Mark Wilson’s blog, and it turns out he has a posting of that video.
Upon further research, I’ve found that that sermon was from the late Dr. S.M. Lockrigde. The S.M. stands for Shadrach Meshach, how cool is that?
You can watch the video below, but if you would like a copy of it on DVD, you can purchase it from Igniter Media. I like how they described the video:
Is it possible to fully describe Jesus Christ, our King? As many words as we have in the English language, there are still not enough to adequately describe the character and goodness of Jesus Christ, our loving Lord and Savior.
However, one of the best attempts ever made to describe our King came from a wonderful preacher, Dr. S.M. Lockridge. This short video, which combines Dr. Lockridge’s eloquent and powerful words along with classic images of Jesus Christ, will strongly touch believers and non-believers alike.
Best Video Ever!
Best Video Ever!
Thanks for the “link love”. You have a very uplifting blog here.
I have a friend that has some of his tapes and I used to listen to SM for hours at a time. Literally none stop. Everything that proceeded from his mouth was anointed by God.