Target Ships Couch With No Screws Or Legs, Wants You To Return It To The Store

This story is precisely why we’ve decided to avoid buying furniture from any store that doesn’t specialize in furniture. Christian and his wife bought a couch from Target and had it shipped to the house for $100. It turns out that “Target Ground” was really just UPS, and the 6 foot couch took no less than 3 boxes and 2 drop-offs for UPS to deliver in its entirety. Oh wait. They didn’t deliver it in its entirety because they forgot the screws and legs needed to put the couch together.

Target’s solution to this is not to apologize and mail the screws and legs to Christian and his wife. The solution is Christian and his wife should box up the couch and have UPS pick it up. They don’t have the boxes the couch came in (because they had to cut the boxes off to get the couch out). Target also suggested they just bring the couch down to their local Target and drop it off in the customer service department.


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