I was not aware

That Dallas is home to the world’s largest gay church.


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2 Responses to I was not aware

  1. it’s true. but this statement from the article is about as dumb as it gets…..

    The big pickup trucks and sports utility vehicles gave the parking lot a Texan flavour and most were on the expensive side — highlighting the fact that being openly gay remains a mostly white-collar phenomenon in America.

  2. Comment4U says:

    Hmmm…..I’m in the Dallas area and didn’t know that either. Although, my gay stylist told me that Dallas DOES have the largest capita of married-men-who-have-affairs-with-men in the nation. Apparently the Bible Belt doesn’t see that as “cheating” on the wife (in the closet anyway).

    Love the Bag of Pictures stuff. 😉

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