10 flagrant grammar mistakes that make you look stupid

Sending a less-than-perfect e-mail to a friend is one thing; mistakes aren’t really a problem. But if you want to craft an error-free message that reflects your professionalism, be on the lookout for these common grammatical slip-ups.

#2: It’s for it’s (or god forbid, its’) 
No: Download the HTA, along with it’s readme file.
Yes: Download the HTA, along with its readme file.
No: The laptop is overheating and its making that funny noise again.
Yes: The laptop is overheating and it’s making that funny noise again.

This post is dedicated to my friend Gabe and is brought to you be the letter R and the number 5.

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2 Responses to 10 flagrant grammar mistakes that make you look stupid

  1. MToots says:

    These are quite common errors. So is the one my dear husband continues to make……”hisself” for “himself”. There is no word “hisself”. I’ve finally given up hope of seeing this corrected and just love him for HIMSELF!

  2. Trinity13 says:

    I should send that link to my mom…but she doesn’t even capitalize her sentences!

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