A virtual Easter egg is a hidden message or feature in an object such as a movie, book, CD, DVD, or computer program.
For example, here is one of the more popular Easter eggs that is found in Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith:
To see Yoda perform a dance routine:
On Disc 1, select the Options Menu. Then press “11” + “3” + “8” on your keypad.
Even new movies have them, such as The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
Here are some sources to find virtual Easter eggs:
And here aer some U2 Easter eggs I have found:
On the new U2 Vertigo 2005 – Live from Chicago
On disk one, at the end of the documentary on the making of Elevation, when the Dreamchaser logo appears you’ll see a small icon of Bono at the top of the screen. Hit enter & it will take you to a screen full of flashing cubes. Then enter the code 1-9-7-6 and you’ll be taken to a further screen where you can select “Bonocam_one”, a cool first person view of everything Bono sees as film from a camera on his glasses, during the song Elevation.
All That You Can’t Leave Behind (U2) – Hidden Biblical reference
Click pic to enlarge.
How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (U2) – Hidden Text
Turn the CD upside-down so that you’re looking at the underside. Look near the hole in the middle. The words “MISS YOU SUGAR” are clearly visible. (My guess, it’s a message from Bono to his wife Ali.)
hey! I like this post! I love these new discoveries, especially since I love U2 and i love it that there are Bible references in their stuff, thanks so much for sharing them 🙂