My Eyeball Just Fell Out of Its Socket – What should I do?

Found an interesting article at Slate:

Villanova basketball star Allan Ray had his eyeball literally poked out of its socket by an opposing player on Friday night. Ray has been treating the injury with eye drops, and he planned to meet with doctors on Monday to find out if he can play in the first round of the NCAA tournament. What should you do if your eyeball comes out of your head?

You can read the rest of the article here.

Of course that article made me think of an earlier post I made way back when of wifeGeeding removing her glass eye.

So, for an encore performance, you can watch her remove her glass eye here.

If you want to see the glass eye by itself, click here.

If you want to look at an empty ocular cavity, click here.

And if you want to see how a glass eye is made, click here.

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2 Responses to My Eyeball Just Fell Out of Its Socket – What should I do?

  1. MToots says:

    WOW!! Our daughter is a celebrity!Daddy and I got a kick out of this, although he still can’t look at the empty socket. Hope this helps someone who needs the info.

  2. Corie says:

    Hey there!
    I was just surfing the net, and stumbled here…
    I have a glass eye too, but sadly, I never could see out of my real eye.
    So vision adaption was not an issue… Well, I’ll be off now, good day!

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