Food makers may not want to dwell on it, but the ingredient that gives Dannon B
oysenberry yogurt and Tropicana Ruby Red Grapefruit juice their distinctive colors comes from crushed female cochineal beetles.
Read the article here.
Learn more about other stuff the cochineal beetle is in here.
Thanks alot!
Somethings are better left unkown.
Man, I love your blog. Everytime I see a new post alert, I hurry over here!
Oh my gosh! I got into your comments again! Horrah! hip hip horrah!
The bug thing is just tooooo gross! Ug. I think I’ll never drink grapejuice again.
Mona Lisa looks hilarious…will go there next.
Hope you are doing well!
Good to hear from Ms Pearson! It’s been a while. 😉