You have’t provided us with any stats as of late, what’s the latest?
I’ve just been lazy. But here are some stats in case you are interested. Just click the pics to enlarge.
Who reads BagOfNothing globally. Now with two Australian readers and a growing European presence:
U.S. Cities I’m most read in (surprised San Francisco and Philadelphia are in the top ten) :
Texas Cities I’m most read in:
Hey Geeding, I love reading Bag of Nothing, but I don’t have a high speed Internet connection. Any chance you can change the number of days you keep previous posts on the home page so I don’t have to wait so long for everything to download?
You bet. I use to show the past 7 days of posts, now it’s down to 5. Hope that helps.
We need more pictures of wifeGeeding.
Yeah, and I need wifeGeeding to do more cooking and cleaning.
Do you know or are you friends with the Little Anoymouse Pastor?
I don’t know the guy. All I know is his blog is titled The Official LittlePastor Blog, his email is, and he blatantly stole the avatar I created for him. 😉
Have you considered selling advertising space?
I thought about using Google Adsense, but as of right now I feel like I would be cheapening what I’m doing. But who knows, maybe in time. I just like the way it looks right now.
Have you finished Blue Like Jazz yet?
I’m still working on it.
This post has been removed by the author.
Are you not a little worried that people are requesting pictures of you wife?
This is like that episode of CSI, where someone is living out your life as their fantasy, because you posted pics of your family online. Just wait til someone says your kid is their missing child, then it’s not funny anymore. 🙂
And yes, I blatantly stole this image from the Bagged One! Most people think Pastors are out to steal from you anyways, so why should I disappoint you?
Bravo, LP, Bravo!
Pastors are out to steal? Ouch.
Merry Christmas! 🙂
I tried to get that stats thingy, but it refused me..